
Antique furniture may give a place a very distinctive character. However, determining which antiques to use in a space and how to incorporate them may be difficult for many homeowners.
Antique furniture, whether it’s a turn-of-the-century fainting couch, a Victorian sideboard, or an eccentric Art Deco lamp, can make a space come alive. Antique furniture and décor may completely change the atmosphere of a space if done right.
When it comes to antiques, there are two fundamental paths you may go. They can be used as highlights in a setting with more classic or contemporary furniture. You may even go all out and replicate the past with an antique-filled space.
If you wish to use antiques as accents, you should start by carefully selecting the antiques for the room. Every space has a focal point, and the proper antique may become your room’s main point, allowing you to build around it and highlight it. An antique grandfather clock, for example, as well as an antique curio cabinet or an antique organ, may serve as focus points in any area.
An antique can also be used as a prop. A single antique piece might be added to a space that is otherwise furnished with more modern furniture. To do this, choose a single overall theme or colour scheme that visually connects the parts. You may, for example, include an old fainting sofa with fabric in a matching or contrasting hue.
When it comes to decorating a space with antique furniture, it’s all about building relationships. Antique furniture should be noticeable for the right reasons, not because it is out of place.
Even if you don’t have any items that will act as focal points, you may still use them as supporting pieces. In your room, an antique sideboard might serve as a couch table or a bar. Giving your antique furniture a function will help it fit in with any decor.
It takes a little more effort to decorate a whole space with antiques. Color, fabric, time, and style are the finest ways to connect the pieces. You may, for example, go with a room decked entirely in Queen Anne or Chippendale furniture. You may also pick a favourite fabric and have furniture from various eras reupholstered with it to give the area a cohesive aesthetic. The same may be said about finishes. In an oak-paneled room, an ancient cherry desk would be out of place. Using the same fabrics and woods across a space may help it feel more coherent.
Just because you want the space to be filled with antiques doesn’t imply the furniture in it has to be ancient. For a lower price, you may get exquisite copies of historical artefacts. You may also create the style you want by mixing modern antique pieces with authentic antiques without breaking the bank. You may select that one defining piece that is genuinely an antique and then augment it with modern pieces that merely appear to be antiques.
Finally, you can antiquing yourself. If you have an uncommon piece that acts as the centre point and want some of your favourite tables or decorations to match, this is a great option. Faux antiquing may be done with online-available finishes, paints, and distressing processes.
Don’t ignore the accents that truly make a space appear full when you work with the vintage items in your home. Antique literature, antique dinnerware, unique knickknacks from another era, and period lighting are examples. From the furniture to the window coverings, an antique room may have an eclectic look. It may be difficult to go overboard depending on the time you’re drawn to. The Victorian era, for example, provides proof of this.
When it comes to decorating with antiques, the best plan is to do things gently. Because antiques can be costly, you should shop carefully and methodically. Consider replicas if you’re on a tight budget. They may add beauty to your home without breaking the bank.