
Try Exotic East Asian Teas to End Coffee Overload
People in many nations continue on a coffee-drinking jag, the like of which the world has not seen previously. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed by it and want a hot beverage alternative in the morning, try shopping at an Asian market for high-quality teas. The varieties raised in East Asia are known worldwide as some of the best ones. China's Yunnan Mountain region has long been an ideal spot for growing tasty teas of many varieties. If it's been a while since you checked a store where they are sold, it's time you took a fresh look. You can find caffeinated and caffeine-free teas of many types.
As organic products continue to grow in popularity, tea producers notice and expand their offerings. You'll be surprised by the variety and choices you'll find. Many have other healthful benefits, such as antioxidants. If you enjoy a soothing hot beverage in the evening as you're relaxing and winding down, tea is an excellent choice. Decaffeinated varieties are favorites for relaxing times and help warm you up fast. Some are appropriate for people of all ages, and you can make those selections according to what's best for your family. You can brew tea by the pot and share it with your family.
Try exotic tea varieties seldom discussed in western countries if you're adventurous. Two examples are barley and corn tea. They're favorites in some Asian countries and have a one-of-a-kind satisfying flavor. They may be surprised when you try them at first, but many people come to love them in time. It's all about being open-minded and willing to try new things. If you're tired of coffee and ready to explore the broader world of tea-drinking, there is much to try. It's why visiting an Asian market and checking out their tea aisle can be fun. You'll find things you never before knew existed.
The other option with all of your favorite teas is to enjoy them iced. It's ideal during summertime or in place of a soda with lunch or dinner. Tea is one of the few beverages appropriate to enjoy at any time of the day and regardless of what you're doing. Sun tea is another popular option for brewing tea that you later want iced. It's as easy as filling a large jar with water, adding tea bags, and placing the container in bright sunlight. After several hours you'll have richly brewed tea to enjoy over ice. It's an ideal summertime drink for adults and older children. It's much healthier than drinking sugary soda.