
We love to read about proper nutrition. And we even know that it is much healthier and more effective than strict diets. Everyone has already learned that you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, give up sausages, drink a lot of water ... Only the lazy one does not give such advice.
The question is: how to do it?
1. Set yourself a specific goal
Why do you need to eat right? Without answering this question, you are unlikely to be able to overcome yourself. In order to give up unhealthy treats, you need to see the goal. It should be specific and tangible: fit into jeans that I wore a year ago, or stop suffering from stomach pain. If your goal is truly meaningful, it will be easier for you to make healthy food choices in moments of doubt.
2. Tune in for the long haul
Don't cheer yourself up with false hope. With the right nutrition, you will not lose 10 kg in two weeks, this is simply unrealistic! If you set impossible goals, the fuse will disappear very quickly.
Allow yourself at least 3 months to change your eating habits. And then you will certainly achieve great results.
3. Find the reason that interferes with eating properly
Why are you eating wrong? Imagine not having to cook yourself. The chef makes healthy and tasty food for you. Would you miss sausage and burgers then? If not, then it seems to be laziness or lack of time.
Is this your case? Then you can try to use the services of "healthy food". By the way, when ordering on from 2000 rubles, you get a promotional code for a discount in Elementaree - your personal food assistant .
4. Take action
You have read another article on healthy eating and are determined to change your diet. Ask yourself when. Tomorrow? Or maybe sometime later? Both of these options are the road to nowhere. If you really intend to eat right, go to the store right now (or place an order by phone if you really don't have enough time).
Actions help you think. Even they did not lead to the desired result, you received new information and a fresh perspective. You went to the store with the intention of buying healthy food, but again stopped in front of the shelf with cookies? Very good! You have taken the first step in controlling your diet. Exit the pastry section slowly and head to the vegetable shop.
5. Change the surroundings
Let changing your habits become a new life for you. Decorate the table where you will eat. The rules of healthy eating require a sensible approach to food intake.
It should be pleasant for you to be at the table. Hang a mirror next to it. Research shows it helps you eat more flavorful and slower.
Replace large plates with dessert ones. We were taught from childhood that we need to eat everything that lies on the dish. Deceive your body. A small serving in a small bowl seems to be more satisfying.
6. Don't let yourself go hungry
First, have a hearty breakfast. Approximately 70% of the daily diet should be eaten in the morning. You can get rid of the habit of eating too much at night very quickly. Replace late dinner with a glass of kefir. You will not be hungry and you can sleep peacefully. At the same time, in the morning you will wake up with a good appetite, and you definitely will not want to limit yourself to a cup of coffee.
Second, buy plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep a healthy snack close at hand. Until healthy food appears in your diet, the body will not guess that with severe hunger, you can kill your appetite not with chocolate, but with a salad and a piece of boiled meat. If there is an apple and no cookie in the access zone, you simply will not have a choice of how to satisfy your slight hunger.
7. Tell everyone that you switched to proper nutrition.
It is very difficult to deny yourself the usual pleasures if your loved ones do not support you. Ideally, the whole family should change the principles of nutrition. But if this is not possible, ask your family at least not to treat you to sandwiches, and avoid joint meals.
Tell your friends that from today on you eat only healthy food. Make them your helpers. Ask you to stop if you suddenly notice that you are deviating from the principles of healthy eating.
8. Be active
We eat a lot when we are bored. Spend your free time in an interesting and useful way. Be active, and then you will have less and less desire to entertain yourself with tea and cake.
9. Down with multitasking
Research shows that when we watch TV, we can eat 71% more. Snacks while driving and on the go also contribute to overeating. The most interesting thing is that the body does not perceive them as food intake. After you have eaten shawarma on the street at noon, you will come home, and with a clear conscience, sit down at the table to dine with your family.
10. Keep exercising
It will be hard at first. It takes at least 21 days for our brain to form a new habit. Don't back down. The brain only makes new connections if you exercise.
You will not turn into a great gymnast in one week, even if the most eminent trainer will work with you. Why do you think you can learn how to eat right in just a few days?
Do not give up, even if you break off. Only self-control and long training will help the brain to form new habits.
By the way, imaginary rehearsals also work! Imagine giving up a sandwich. Happened? Now it will be much easier to repeat this feat in real life.
And the last thing. Be proud of yourself! Pay attention to how your weight and skin condition change. Note that you no longer feel overwhelmingly guilty about overeating. And remember that with proper nutrition, you will become more attractive and live longer.