
Many people experience the unfortunate condition of tinnitus and caffeine at the same time, a condition called Tinnitus and Caffeine In Ear Health. Tinnitus is the medical term for the condition where you experience constant ringing, buzzing, whooshing or clicking in your ears. People who suffer with tinnitus often become irritated by the constant ringing. The constant ringing may also cause the sufferer to lose their sleep at night because it disrupts their sleep cycle and makes it difficult for them to fall asleep.
If you are experiencing tinnitus and caffeine at the same time you may be worried that caffeine and hearing loss may go hand in hand. Not only could caffeine have an adverse effect on your hearing, it can also have an adverse effect on your hearing recovery. Caffeine and hearing loss are related because caffeine acts as a stimulant and can wear down the delicate hair cells in your inner ear. The hair cells do not heal like traditional hearing aids do. They begin to deteriorate as a result of continuous stimulation from caffeine.
Overusing caffeine can also lead to tinnitus and hearing loss through the accumulation of ototoxic substances in the body such as acetic acid, salicylate pain relievers, caffeine and antihistamines. The buildup of ototoxic substances will block the flow of fluid through your ear. As a result you begin to hear a ringing noise in your ear. This may sound ironic but true, if your both ears clogged with ototoxic substances, they will not only cause hearing loss, they will also cause you to lose your balance and have difficulty walking.
There are two ways to counter the effects of caffeine and hearing loss. First, you can quit drinking caffeine or cutback dramatically. If you cannot do this, you should try limiting your caffeine consumption to less than a cup a day. Since caffeine is a diuretic, it will also increase your fluid retention which can further impair your balance.
Caffeine and hearing loss can also be prevented by the use of appropriate hearing aids. Unfortunately, some hearing aids are not equipped with caffeine blocks. In order to protect your hearing abilities, you need to ensure that the device you use is equipped with a caffeine blocking device. This will prevent your hearing loss caused by caffeine from worsening.
It is also important that you limit your noise exposure when using a caffeine ear plug. The excessive noise will aggravate your tinnitus and cause you to lose your balance. You need to reduce your noise exposure as much as possible. This will greatly decrease your risk of experiencing ototoxicity.