
Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258
Baba Nazakat Khan, the Love guru in India know that astrology is defiantly not "a product of human imagination", it has been experimental, researched & experienced through the ages by many different people from different civilizations throughout the world. So it isn't an Art. Love guru in India don't want to call love Astrology as a Science, because of their inability to keep an open mind to study & test the knowledge, they just test a part of Astrology (namely Sun Sign), & then claim that Astrology isn't a Science. After all love Astrology is more Knowledge than Science & it doesn't need the label of Science to survive, it has survived without it all these millenniums & will do in the future too. Therefore Astrology is neither an Art nor a Science.
Powerful Solution for Delayed Marriage- Know Best Remedies +91-9914522258