
As a VAT-registered importer, you will need to follow specific steps for each scenario to be identified
the declarations to be submitted as follows:
· Import of taxable goods into the mainland United Arab Emirates
· Import and then export the goods to another country
· For scenarios 1-2, you must file your returns and pay the VAT due at the time of
· Submit the VAT return. For details on the VAT return procedure, see
· returns the user guide published on the FTA portal.
· Import of returned goods (with certain exported goods having arrived
· again, in the UAE) to the mainland of the UAE.
· A UAE citizen living overseas or an expatriate entering the UAE for the first time
· time by importing used personal belongings and household items.
· The army and internal security forces importing goods into the UAE
· continent.
· Importing goods into a designated VAT area.
· Transfer of goods from a designated VAT area to another VAT area
· designated area.
Our exclusive VAT consultancy services involves providing an understanding of the VAT Laws and Executive Regulations, understanding your business model and evaluation of VAT’s impact on your business and help you to prepare and execute all VAT related concerns. For best VAT services in Dubai UAE.