
How to close your Cash app account
With all the new online services that pop up every so often, we tend to find ourselves trying out a number of options. However, many don’t stick and we soon abandon them. This can easily happen for platforms like mobile payments and money transfer.
Even popular services like Cash app have drawbacks regarding coverage, payment limits and other areas so it’s not uncommon to find yourself ditching the service. We are going to lay out everything you need to do before you close a Cash app account, the steps to take and how to remove payment information.
What you need to do before deleting your Cash app account
Firstly, you need to empty the account and move the entire remaining amount elsewhere. You can return them to the original sender or move them to your bank account. This is because account cancellation doesn’t automatically send these funds to your bank account.
You’d have to contact Cash app for you to gain access to the money if you close the account without removing it. In order to do so, you have to follow the steps below:
Select Transfer Money or Transfer Balance at the top of your transactions feed. Alternatively, choose the Manage Balance option and hit Transfer to Bank.
· Enter the amount to be transferred
· Select the transfer mode; Instant or 1-3 business days
· Confirm the transfer details and tap Transfer
Secondly, it is important to resolve any incomplete transactions before closing your account. You’ll actually be sent a prompt to address those transactions once you attempt to close your account.
How to close your Cash app account: step by step
To close your account via a web browser:
· Go to the bottom of your profile section and select Cancel my Cash app Account
· Click Next
· Review the most recent statement presented to you
· Once you’ve finished reviewing it, click Close Account
· Check your email for a goodbye message from Cash app with your transaction history
· At the moment, it’s not possible to cancel your account from the mobile app.
How to close a deceased person’s account
If you’re responsible for managing a deceased person’s account and you have their log in details, you can:
· Log in to their account from a computer and follow the same steps listed above
· In case you have their username but no password, you can use the Reset Password option and get into their email to reset it
· If you have their phone, you can access the account through the app and change the login details. You can then return to the computer and close the account
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