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Key Inclusions
§ A detailed review ofthe overall landscape of the non-invasive cancer diagnostics market, featuringinformation on the developers of such products and analyses based on a numberof relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, company size, geographicallocation, current development status of proprietary liquid biopsy test (underdevelopment, research use only, and available), type of product (assay kit,software / algorithm and device), type of tumor marker analyzed (CTCs, ctDNA,cfDNA, exosomes, and others), key applications (early diagnosis, treatmentselection, patient monitoring and recurrence monitoring), type of analyte used(blood, urine and others) and target cancer indications.
§ An analysis of the various partnerships pertaining tonon-invasive cancer diagnostics, which have been established between 2016 and2019, based on various parameters, such as type of partnership, year ofpartnership, type of tumor marker, target cancer indications and the mostactive players.
§ An analysis of the investments made in companies engaged inthe development of non-invasive cancer diagnostics, including details of seedfinancing, venture capital financing, debt financing, grants, and capitalraised via IPOs and subsequent public offerings.
§ An analysis of the initiatives of big pharma players,highlighting the key focus areas of such companies and analysis based onvarious relevant parameters, such as stage of development of their proprietarynon-invasive cancer diagnostic test(s), key applications, type of tumor markerand target disease indications.
§ A detailed acquisition target analysis, taking intoconsideration the historical trend of the activity of the companies that haveacquired other firms since 2016, and offering a means for other industrystakeholders to identify potential acquisition targets.
§ Elaborate profiles of the key players engaged in thisdomain, featuring a brief overview of the company, its financial information(if available), a detailed description of its product portfolio, recent developmentsand an informed future outlook
§ Informed estimates of the existing market size and the future growthopportunities for non-invasive cancer diagnostics. Based on various parameters,such as number of available / under development products and estimated annualadoption rates, we have provided an informed estimate on the likely evolutionof the market over the period 2019-2030.
The report features the likely distribution of the current andforecasted opportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:
§ Type of Tumor Marker
- ctDNA
- cfDNA
- CTCs
- Exosomes
- Others
§ Application
- Diagnosis / Early Diagnosis
- Patient Monitoring
- Recurrence Monitoring
§ Target CancerIndication
- Breast Cancer
- Lung Cancer
Press Release:Variation 4 (Format 5)
- Colorectal Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Bladder Cancer
- Melanoma
- Gastric Cancer
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer
- Others
§ End Users
- Hospitals
- Research Institutes
- Others
§ Key Geographical Regions
- North America
- Europe
§ Asia-Pacific
§ Rest of the World
Thereport also features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according towhom liquid biopsy has the potential to diagnose cancer at a very early stageby analyzing rare circulating tumour markers, thereby, facilitating appropriate/ timely treatment decisions. The report includes detailed transcripts ofdiscussions held with the following experts:
§ Joachim Fluhrer,Founder and Medical Director, Genostics
§ ShibichakravarthyKannan, Founder and CEO, Theranosis Life Sciences
§ Abizar Lakdawalla,Founder, ProXeom
§ Philippe Nore, CEOand Co-founder, MiNDERA
§ Frank Szczepanski,President and CEO, IVDiagnostics
§ Mark Li, CEO, ResolutionBioscience
§ Brad Walsh, CEO, MinomicInternational
§ Anton Iliuk,President and Chief Technology Officer, TymoraAnalytical Operations
§ Burkhard Jansen,Chief Medical Officer, DermTech
§ Christer Ericsson,Chief Scientific Officer, iCellate Medical
§ Jake Micallef, ChiefScientific Officer, VolitionRx
§ Nathalie Bernard,Marketing Director, OncoDNA
§ Riccardo Razzini,Sales and Marketing Manager, LCM Genect
§ Peter French,Strategic Technology Advisor, Sienna Cancer Diagnostics
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Key Questions Answered
§ What are the prevalent trends within the liquid biopsymarket?
§ What are the key applications of liquid biopsy?
§ Apart from liquid biopsy, what are the other novelnon-invasive cancer diagnostics?
§ What is the role of big pharma players in the non-invasive cancerdiagnostics domain?
§ What are the prevalent financing and investment trendswithin the liquid biopsy market?
§ What are the most popular cancer indications for whichnon-invasive diagnostics are being developed?
§ Who are the key service providers for liquid biopsyproducts?
§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?
Press Release: Variation 4 (Format 5)
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