Stem Education
Stem Education
Holiday Camps - Get the best coding and STEM education in Singapore. Bricks 4 Kidz offer the best STEM and Coding Enrichment platform for your child. Join us now!

Stem Education

Stem Education

Holiday Camps - Get the best coding and STEM education inSingapore. Bricks 4 Kidz offer the best STEM and Coding Enrichment platform foryour child. Join us now!

Play first, learn first

Bricks 4 Kidz was brought into Singapore through the owners’strong desire to create a stimulating and creative enrichment environment wherekids can focus on playing without the excessive emphasis on learning.  But at the end of the day, will still be ableto be intellectually engaged in the process.

This desire has driven the owners to Florida to bepersonally trained on the curriculum of Bricks 4 Kidz before opening the firstof its kind facility in Singapore!

The spirit and philosophy of Bricks 4 Kidz is in line withrecent focus on the principle of ‘purposeful play’ in designing preschoolprogrammes.  This principle is guided byplacing equal focus on both learning and play. Stem Education

Creative Learning Corporation (CLCN), operating under thetrade name Bricks 4 Kidz®, offers an exciting, educational experience forchildren ages 3 – 12+, where we learn, we build, we play… with LEGO® bricks.Through a unique franchise business model that includes a proprietary FranchiseMarketing Tool (FMT), our specially designed program utilizes theme-based LEGO®model building to provide opportunities for problem-solving and help kidsdevelop an appreciation for how things work. All this takes place while kidsare having fun and socializing in a safe, relaxed learning environment. Stem Education

Education in science, technology, engineering andmathematics is already essential for the modern citizen. In the future, it willlikely be even more important. However, the U.S. is not doing as well as itcould be in providing a STEM education to its teenage students. A 2009 reportfrom Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) ranked U.S. 15-year-oldsas 18th and 13th in mathematics and sciences, respectively. This news isespecially somber because only 34 nations were assessed by PISA, and many ofthem are far less wealthy than the U.S.

The problem was noticed long before the 2009 PISAassessment, however. Concerns in the early part of the century resulted in the2006 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Initiative. Thisinitiative aims to provide better training for teachers and more access tohigh-quality STEM education for students. The focus of the initiative is onapplied STEM topics, the very skills that will be required to train thescientists, mathematicians, engineers and technicians of the future.

Even before the STEM Initiative, many schools had made theirown efforts to improve education in these areas. However, the initiative madeit possible for both new and existing schools to obtain funding for STEMeducation. Help from business and government funding enabled many schools toprovide a greater focus on STEM topics and ensure that their graduates wereconversant in these essential fields.


Because the focus on STEM education was new, schools alsopioneered new and innovative methods of teaching to see what effect they had onstudent success. Smaller classrooms of no more than 10-12 students and acomputer for each were debuted. The use of Skype, video conferencing andelectronic textbooks brought technology into the curriculum at many highschools.

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