
Smart Reasons for Getting a Business loan
You can get many opinions when you tell people that you are looking into a loan for business. You will be met with a variety of opinions, from general naysayers and cautionary tales. Everyone you meet has a story to tell about what could happen if you apply for a loan to help you start or grow your business.
There are many good reasons to get into debt, even though not all of them are valid. Here are six reasons why you might reconsider applying for small business loan.
You're ready and available to expand your physical space.
Your cubicles seem to be bursting at seams. So your new assistant had a hard time finding a place in the kitchen. This sounds like you've outgrown the original office. You might also own a restaurant or retail shop and your space is not enough for all of them.
This is great news! This means that business is booming and you are ready for expansion. It doesn't necessarily mean your business can expand, but you don't have the cash to make it happen.
In these situations, you might need a term mortgage to finance the big move. You will need to pay significant upfront costs and additional overhead, no matter whether you are moving or adding a new location.
Before you commit to anything, measure the potential revenue growth that could result from expanding your business. Are you able to repay your loan while still making a profit? A revenue forecast can be used along with your current balance sheet to assess the impact on your bottom line. To ensure that you target the right market, you should research where you would like to establish a second retail store.
You are creating credit for the long-term.
In order to improve your credit score, you may consider a short-term, smaller loan if your business plans to apply for larger-scale funding in the near future.
A lack of strong credit history and young businesses may have trouble qualifying for larger loans. A smaller loan will help build credit for your business.
This tactic could also help you establish relationships with a lender. It will allow you to refer to them when you are ready for a larger loan. You should be careful and not take out an early loan that is too expensive. You could lose your chance of being approved for future funding if you make a late payment on the smaller loan.