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“We were able to generate more than 100 showings and gotmultiple offers.”
"TopRated Agent strategized well before we listed ourproperty. We were able to generate more than 100 showings and got multipleoffers. The property was sold at an ideal price. Thank you very much!"
“TopRated Agent was able to sell our home in less then aweek!”
"TopRated Agent was able to sell our home in less thena week! He was attentive to detail and arranged visits with other agents andlawyer with ease. He helped stage our house and we received an outstandingoffer. We would highly recommend using TopRated Agent!
Excellent advice, service and follow up”
"Excellent advice, service and follow up by TopRatedAgent on my purchase. Strongly recommend to friends and family who is lookingto buy or sell."
There are many ways for Toronto real estate agents todevelop the right price for a property and we use them all depending on thesituation. There are many variables that need consideration because onevariable could drastically alter the amount that you want to list your propertyat.
Why is it important to list at the right price? The bestprice to list your property at is the price that will be the closest to what itwill actually sell for. I know that sounds obvious but we run in to a lot ofclients who feel that their property is worth a lot more then it is and theywant to "try" their higher price first. toronto real estate agent
Some Realtors are tempted to let their clients do thisbecause they have a fear that they won't get the listing and some other agentwill. Some clients might say that the real estate agent just wants to sell itat low price so it will be quick and they can move on. If that is the Realtorsattitude you will sense it in all of their work with you, not just the price. Agood Realtor will actually stick to their pricing and not suggest that they canget more for you just so that they can get the listing.
First impression is the most important thing when selling ahome. People search for real estate in select areas and tight price brackets.$325-$375K Loft Downtown, $400-$450K in Leslieville, $800-$900K in Summerhill,$1.3M- $1.5M in Lytton Park, $2.5M-$3M in South Rosedale, etc... They willtypically look at houses that are listed for lower than the ceiling of theirbudget but serious buyers will never look at properties beyond their budget. torontoreal estate agent
Your best market exposure is the first 21 days after youfirst expose the property to the open market. This is when you will get themost amount of money for your home and hopefully not leave anything on thetable. The market experts will get their first glimpse of what you have tosell. The experts are all of the active Realtors in the market and their buyerclients. These people know everything about your market and what is going on init.
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