Psychology of Personality Development
Psychology of Personality Development
With improvement in all the fields, the basic and essential improvement that success demands- Personality Development.

With improvement in all the fields, the basic and essential improvement that success demands- Personality Development.


At the point when we meet new individuals, frequently their character catches our eye. Understanding how character forms can give knowledge into what someone's identity is and their experience while additionally expanding how we might interpret what's behind our own character qualities and attributes. Now the question is what is Personality development? 


Personality development alludes to the interaction by which the coordinated ideas and ways of behaving that make up an individual's one of a kind personality arise over time. Many elements impact personality, including hereditary qualities and environment, how we were nurtured, and cultural factors. Maybe in particular, it is the continuous connection of this large number of impacts that keep on changing personality. Personality includes natural qualities as well as the advancement of mental and personal conduct standards that impact how we think and act.


In Psychology, Personality development is one of the most frequent and promising topics of interest for most of the prominent thinkers. 

There are many ideas given by many of the researchers to explain how personality develops and why.


Different Theories of Personality Development

  • Freud’s stages of Psychosexual Development.

As per this theory, Personality changes in stages which are related to explicit erogenous zones.

  • Stage1: Oral stage (0-1 year)

  • Stage2: Anal stage (1-3 year)

  • Stage3: Phallic stage (3-6 year)

  • Stage4: Latent period (6-Puberty)

  • Stage5: Genital stage (Puberty-Death)

  • Freud’s Structural model of personality

As indicated by Freud, the fundamental main thrust of character and conduct is known as the moxie. This libidinal energy fills the three parts that make up character: the id, the inner self, and the superego.

  • Id: The id is the part of character present upon entering the world. It is the most basic piece of the character and drives individuals to satisfy their most essential requirements and desires.

  • Ego: The Ego is the part of a character accused of controlling the desires of the id and compelling it to act in sensible ways.

  • Superego: The superego is the last part of character to create and contains each of the beliefs, ethics, and values pervaded by our folks and culture.

        As indicated by Freud, these three components of character cooperate to make complex human ways of behaving. The superego endeavors to cause the inner self to act as per these goals. The inner self must then direct between the basic necessities of the id, the optimistic guidelines of the superego, and reality.

  • Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development

Erik Erikson's eight-stage hypothesis of human improvement is another notable hypothesis in brain science. While it expands on Freud's phases of psychosexual turn of events, Erikson decided to zero in on what social connections mean for character improvement. The hypothesis additionally stretches out past youth to check out at advancement across the whole life expectancy.

  • Stage1: Trust vs Mistrust (0-1 year)

  • Stage2: Autonomy vs shame and doubt (1-2 year)

  • Stage3: Initiative vs guilt (3-5 year)

  • Stage4: Industry vs Inferiority (6-11 year)

  • Stage5: Identity vs role confusion (12-18 year)

  • Stage6: Intimacy vs Isolation (19-40 year)

  • Stage7: Generativity vs Stagnation (41-64 year)

  • Stage8: Integrity vs Despair (65-death)

       At every one of these stages, individuals face an emergency in which an errand should be dominated. The people who effectively complete that stage arise with a feeling of dominance and prosperity. The individuals who don't determine the emergency at a specific stage might battle with those abilities until the end of their lives.

  • Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development.

As per Piaget, youngsters progress through a progression of four phases that are set apart by particular changes by the way they think. Also, kids' opinion on themselves, others, and their general surroundings assumes a significant part in the arrangement of character.

  • Stage1: Sensorimotor stage (0-2 year)

  • Stage2: Preoperational stage (2-7 year)

  • Stage3: Concrete operational stage (7-11 year)

  • Stage4: Formal operational stage (11-till end)

Apart from all these theories of personality development, If we talk about real life scenarios, Shiv Khera an author, activist and motivational speaker has initiated so many programs and campaigns to help youngsters in enhancing their skills and personality. In his book, “You Can Win”, Shiv Khera has beautifully elaborated and explained in easy steps how to get yourself ready to be successful and how to prepare for the same. 


This book is simply a practical, common sense guide that will help an individual:

  • Assemble certainty by dominating the seven moves toward positive reasoning

  • Find actual success by transforming shortcomings into qualities

  • Acquire believability by doing the right things for the right reasons

  • Assume responsibility by controlling things as opposed to allowing them to control you

  • Construct entrust by creating shared regard with individuals around you

  • Achieve more by eliminating the obstructions to viability.


This book is one of the International Bestsellers and is helping everyone to have a personality change that will help you reach your goal. There are 13 chapters in the book, each one showing the path to have a positive and effective personality change step by step.