
Know whether you are eligible for 2021 Resident Visa of New Zealand
Resident Visa for 2021
If you have a work visa or a vital purpose visiting visa in New Zealand, you may be eligible for residency under the new Resident Visa for 2021. Some essential purpose visa holders coming in New Zealand on long-term visas between September 30, 2021, and July 31, 2022, may be eligible for the new visa.
Things you can do on this visa:
· You can educate yourself, take up a job or live in New Zealand.
· In your visa application, include your partner and any dependent children under the age of 24.
All you need to know about resident visa application checklist
With your application, you must include the following:
· Your personal and contact information, as well as the information of any family members.
· Applicants must supply either the Skilled Migrant Category application number or the Skilled Migrant Category Expression of Interest reference number for Phase 1.
· Your position title.
· Your Limited Medical Certificate or Chest X-ray Certificate's eMedical reference number
— If you haven't had a physical in the past 36 months or if your health hasn't improved changed.
· Every person listed on the application must have a valid passport.
· For yourself and any family members included in the application, a copy of the bio data page of the passport or travel document
· A high-resolution digital head and shoulders photo of yourself, as well as a snapshot of each member of your family.
· A copy of your birth certificate, as well as the birth certificates of any family members who are included on the application.
· Any papers that are not in English require certified or approved translations.
· If your spouse is included in your application and has not previously been granted a relationship-based visa on the basis of your connection, you will need to provide documentation of your relationship.
Skilled Criteria
· If you're applying under the skilled criterion, you'll additionally need to include the following information:
· Your employment information, including your employer's name and address.
· Your hourly rate of compensation.
· Your compensation and hours will be confirmed by an employment agreement or a letter from your employer.
· A full bank statement indicating salary payments, or a summary of income from the Inland Revenue, or pay slips showing your current pay rate and pay rate on September 29, 2021.
Take note of:
· Two phases of applications will be available for the Resident Visa in 2021.
· Applicants for Phase 1 will be eligible to apply beginning on 1 December 2021 if they had previously applied under the Skilled Migrant or Residence from Work categories on or before 29 September 2021, or if they had submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) under the Skilled Migrant Category that included a dependent child who was at least 17 on or before 29 September 2021.
· For all other qualified applicants, Phase 2 applications will commence on March 1, 2022.
· You may be eligible if you arrive in New Zealand as a critical health worker or other critical worker for a longer-term function without satisfying the settled, skilled, or scarce requirements.
· If you have already submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) or Residence from Work application under the Skilled Migrant Category, you will only be required to pay the difference between what you have already paid and the cost of the 2021 Resident Visa if you withdraw your previous application or EOI. If you withdraw your old application after submitting a Skilled Migrant Category application, you will be repaid the difference.
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