
If any passengers looking for how to get refund from Volaris airlines canceled flight and how much time to takes to get refund from Volaris so find the refund and cancellation policy to know about canceled flight charges, refund process etc
It will take seven working days to get the refund from Volaris Airlines if you have made the payment through a credit card. However, if you have made the payment through cash, it will take around twenty working days to connect with Volaris Airlines. It is essential to know the refund policy and the procedure to make sure that you get the refund directly in your account.
You'll be able to apply for the refund online only if you have made the booking through the official website of Volaris Airlines. However, if a third party caused the reservation for you, you need to connect with them for cancellation and reservation... https://www.cheapflightinfo.com/travel/flight/how-much-time-it-takes-to-get-refund-from-volaris