
Delhi to Kassuli is about 310 km and about 40 km is hilly area but it is not much difficult driving. After crossing Parwanoo hills area start. But you are supposed not to drive typical Dehliwalas.
It is law of hills driving that don't overtake n leave your side unless it is clearly visible. Use horn at blind turns. Preference is given to those who is climbing. Due to narrow roads next vehicle will give side when he will get sufficient area,don't blow unnecessary horn. Don't park vehicle in the road and use parking lights wen stop for a while in side. The most important is use upper gear during climbing and the same gear in downward side it will help to control the vehicle and avoiding unnecessary breaks. If some one covers 30 to 40 km per hour in hills ,I think it is best speed.
Go jolly n enjoy your journey.
Kasauli is a small peaceful town in the foothills of Himalaya, located in Himachal Pradesh. At a height of 1800m from the sea level, this place is a perfect weekend getaway, only 290km from Delhi. All you have to do is book tickets for Kalka in Kalka mail beforehand. One can board direct buses to Kasauli which are less frequent. The bus depot is near Kalka Railway Station but better take an auto. For other timings one can head for Dharampur by Toy Train(you can book tickets on the spot) or local bus. Dharampur is the nearest station to Kasauli at a distance of around 13km. Local buses will take you to your destination, with a lot of KV students giggling with their typical oiled down hair, shining shoes and heavy school bags reminding you of those awkward and funny school days.
Seemingly hectic to reach, (not the case trust me you'll be as fresh as flower) this is just the place a forced Delhite wants.
One chooses an offbeat destination for serenity, solitude and relief from daily marathon of work and a little life in between. I find people who come to such tranquil places and complain about the place being boring and not happening. Some places are to just wander off in the vast wilderness, get soaked in and never want to come back.
Someone said smooth roads don't lead to enlightenment but stony paths and wilderness does.
I reached Kasauli at around 7a.m, it being a cantonment area you will find exceptionally clean roads and surroundings (all hail Indian Army). But beware of the monkeys and keep eatables inside otherwise sudden attack is inevitable.
Finding hotels is the trickiest part (been there done that :p ) , the ones near bus stand are big hotels and costly as well. Being less commercialised, you’ll find very few options on Oyo/MMT. I went hunting for a cheap hotel near BSNL office on a localite’s advice.