Importance of Test Automation - Fleek IT Solutions
Importance of Test Automation - Fleek IT Solutions
Test Automation is a smart way of testing an application with an intention to maximize the quality of the software by writing scripts.

Importance of Test Automation - Fleek IT Solutions

In this fast-evolving world, technology has also grown with lightning speed with a variety of new technologies as the requirement of the customer changes frequently so in order to deliver a quality product and save time new methodologies came into the picture, so is the case with software testing.
Earlier software testing was bound to manual testing but now slowly as the technology is growing Automation testing has come into the picture which has become a boom in the market. The reason behind the Test Automation was due to rapidly changing consumers requirement there it was very difficult to deliver a good quality product within the specified amount of time. Test Automation was prepared to reduce the human efforts for doing the repetitive task. Test Automation is nothing but a smart way of testing an application with an intention to maximize the quality of the software by writing scripts using a programming Language on some tool.

Once it comes to automation there are many strengths and weaknesses we can find. Below Listed are some pros and cons of automation that an organization faces in day to day testing.