How is Augmented Reality App Development Innovating Packaging?
How is Augmented Reality App Development Innovating Packaging?
Today, the product is not enough to sell. With major market players entering into interactive packaging, every AR app development company is innovating the art of packaging. Who would have thought that there's more to Augmented Reality app development? This blog explains how AR VR services are changing the face of packaging.

How is Augmented Reality App Development Innovating Packaging?

Whenever you buy a product, do you ever notice the packaging? of course, everyone does. In fact, it is the first thing a buyer or potential buyer will observe while walking through a local store or browsing items online.

How is Augmented Reality App Development Innovating Packaging?

The most attractive thing about good packaging is that we instantly feel the product inside will be worth the amount spent on it. You start trusting the product based on the packaging, which is natural.

An ordinary buyer will feel that if the company has invested its resources and time to package thoughtfully, the product inside will be well-manufactured, designed, and meet its expectations. This thinking reinforces the brand image in the consumer's mind.

This is true for trustworthy brands have packaging that takes care of the product's shape, size, and sensitivity.

What are the modern-day challenges with Packaging?

The biggest disadvantage to packaging is that they are product-centered and not consumer-centered. Packaging focuses on displaying product features and does not say how the product will add value to the consumers' lives.

It is how augmented reality app development services have come into play.

The companies made much of the product designs without much thought to consumers' reactions and overall experience.

If you carefully go through the packaging of any product, look at the amount of extra information written in small fonts. Nobody bothers to read through all of it.

Sometimes, the packaging is multi-layered without any reason and hard to open. As brands included technology in manufacturing, every AR app development company ensured that Augmented Reality transformed packaging.

Companies realized that designs that aren't interactive and have zero emotional connection could not help them sell better. Even if the information on the packaging may be necessary, it can not be proof of the product's quality. Internet-era has made products irrelevant. What you offer is more valued.

The shift in focus led brands to put their efforts into intelligent packaging.

Let's see what smart packaging is and how Augmented Reality development services are leading industries towards it.

What is Smart/Intelligent Packaging?

What makes a product interesting for the customers?

Smart Packaging. It makes the product interactive.


Choose the proper framework.

Smart packaging is all about functionality. The manufacturers can add another layer of value for customers with well-thought designs.

An AR app development company can add value using information, automation, or personalization. Smart packaging adds a digital layer to the product's physical form, which is scannable and more interactive.

How is Augmented Reality Innovating Packaging?

1. Educational Element

Augmented Reality development services can help consumers educate themselves on the proper use of the products. They can understand the benefits and features much better.

Suppose you bought a product such as a chair which needs to be assembled on buying. Nowadays, no one has the time to read and assemble chairs for use. Written instructions are not easy to understand and quite dull for consumers.
They would instead prefer to get someone else to do it. One more limitation is for people who can not read and understand the language properly even though the manuals are multi-lingual.

Augmented Reality app development has made it possible to scan a digital QR code on the packaging and access a visual step-by-step product assembly tutorial.

For example, a toothpaste company uses interesting tutorials for kids to show them the right way of brushing their teeth. Does it save time for mothers and guardians? Definitely. Does it help sell the product? Without a doubt.

2. Informative But Engaging

The companies can explain the features of their brand using videos tutorials and bridge the gap between the brand and their consumers. Sometimes, the voice of the company and its motto get diluted as it reaches the end-user. It creates a difference in what the company stands for, its offerings, and what the customers believe it to be.

Extended Reality technology services can explain everything in the most basic language in the form of engaging and immersive videos. The limited space on the product's packaging doesn't limit the company's potential to sell and connect with the consumers.

3. Entertain Your Consumers

Smart packaging leaves consumers wanting more. It helps build brand loyalty, and loyalty is all about a company's fanbase. Extended Reality app development services can help brands entertain their consumers.
Sounds doubtful? In reality, it is not.

Coco-Cola Ukraine used AR in their cans to transform consumers' Christmas experience. The Christmas-themed cans changed into a dance floor after scanning the product with their mobile phone cameras. They had cast the country's top performers and dancers into the video. Imagine the hype!

4. Tell Your Brand's Story

The fascinating thing about AR VR services is their ability to create powerful and engaging stories. Tell your story in your own words, in the way you want. Take control and get real-time feedback. Monitor and keep track of the views and impressions of the video. You can do so much!

When 19 Crimes used AR to help a convict tell their side of the story using AR feature on their wine bottles, people connected with their brand. It grabbed the consumers' attention, and people bought the product just to experience the technology first-hand.

Closing Words-

Smart packaging doesn't only sell. It engages the masses to experience something different and keeps them informed of the brand's proper use, features and benefits.

With more companies turning to Augmented Reality development services to recreate their brand experiences, Consagous Technologies helps them do so.

Take advantage of our cutting-edge custom mobile app development services in USA.

Reach us to transform your consumers' experiences for the better!

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