4 reasons I like react for developing modern UI
4 reasons I like react for developing modern UI
Modern UI is different from older items. The classic UI was easy to make, and those were not too convenient. On the other hand, UI becomes handier and more responsible. On designing modern UI and developing a front-end app there, we used some common frameworks like angular, vue and others. But the react concepts change the total game from the last 5 years. However, now I like to use react to develop modern UI. Some reasons exist behind such type of expectation. Let’s list all those below.

Modern UI is different from older items. The classic UI was easy to make, and those were not too convenient. On the other hand, UI becomes handier and more responsible. On designing modern UI and developing a front-end app there, we used some common frameworks like angular, vue and others. But the react concepts change the total game from the last 5 years. However, now I like to use react to develop modern UI. Some reasons exist behind such type of expectation. Let’s list all those below.

Component concept

The very first reason I like this thing for its component concept. ReactJS offer 2 types of component. Those are functional and class components. The idea is element is all about reusability and more usability of the smallest part of UI. This makes programmer’s life easier and people can complete the whole design faster than the normal designing process.

State management ability

We can manage the state easily on the react. We can even change the same state of a single component more than once. This is the reason web pages can become more interactive and more usable. Even it is not going to make the page heavier.

Single page routing

Everyone knows about the pros of the single page application. This is why we all want to go for the SPA. React have the powerful react-router DOM, which can manage all the single page routing. And we have interactive routings.

Once people were limited on the frontend designing, all the things were limited to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make the web pages interactive. But now we are getting out from the whole concept. We have enough technology to develop the frontend, which is more than designing. We can make an app on the frontend and validate data simultaneously. All those are the reason I like to use ReactJS to make UI.