
We all know that taking care of your skin is essential, but it can be overwhelming to figure out what you should do to keep your skin healthy.
That's where I come in. In this post, I'll give tips that will help you take care of your skin—including washing your face at night, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen. Read on to find out more.
Wash your face at night
● Wash your face before bed. If you're like me, you probably don't wash your face in the morning.
But this is a big mistake. It's essential to cleanse your skin every night to remove dirt and makeup so that it can breathe and heal overnight.
● Don't forget your neck and chest. The skin on our necks is just as vulnerable to aging as the rest of our bodies are
● Don't forget about those ears either (and yes, I mean those). Like I said earlier, no part of your body shouldn't be taking care of itself
to get dirty again until tomorrow morning when we shower at work (because who has time?).
So go ahead today: give yourself permission for tonight only; but tomorrow morning, when maybe someone asks why were brushing off pieces of lint off each other's clothes while standing next to each other holding hands, turn around quickly enough, so they won't see what happened here today between two friends sharing mutual respect."
Moisturizing is an essential part of keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. However, the most common mistake people make when moisturizing their skin is using too much, which can result in clogged pores and acne.
It's also essential to avoid overdoing it because your skin will become oily and greasy if you use a heavy moisturizer every day, especially in hot weather.
To avoid these pitfalls, try using a quality moisturizer on your face once or twice per week instead of every day.
You should also avoid applying lotion immediately after washing your face; wait about 10 minutes for the surface layer of your skin to dry naturally before putting anything on top of it (even if this means heading into another room).
Wear sunscreen
When it comes to sunscreen, the best defense is a good offense. So wear it every day and opt for SPF 30 or higher.
(The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using one with at least SPF 50.)
It's essential to apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before going outside and reapply it after swimming or sweating. If you want to ensure that your skin stays protected all day, choose a broad spectrum formula that protects against UVA and UVB rays.
Use a good eye cream.
The skin around your eyes is the thinnest on your body, and the fact that it so often gets overlooked when it comes to skincare makes sense.
But if you're over 40, taking care of your eye area is essential for keeping wrinkles at bay.
To keep fine lines in check, apply an eye cream in a circular motion morning and night.
Use light pressure with fingers or a soft brush—you don't want to irritate delicate skin.
Get rid of your facial hair.
Get rid of your facial hair. Facial hair is never a good look, especially not in 2019. If you have a beard or mustache, the best way to get rid of it is with an excellent facial hair remover (try Harry’s Razor & Shave Set).
If you don't want to go clean-shaven, try using some exfoliator on your skin before shaving so that there are fewer dead cells clogging up the pores and making them look darker than they already do.
Afterward, moisturize. Good moisturizing products should be applied after shaving because hydrated skin will heal faster and be less prone to breakouts.
-When choosing which type of moisturizer or cleanser best suits your needs (dry vs. oily), consider which will work best for all seasons.
don't smoke
Smoking can make your skin look older, causing wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
Smoking also makes your skin thinner and more fragile, which makes it more likely to get damaged by sun damage or other environmental factors.
Smoking is a known cause of acne and many types of infections. These problems can not only make you feel self-conscious about how your face looks, but they can even lead to permanent scarring—not to mention that cigarettes contain chemicals that are bad for your health.
These are just a few tips for taking care of your skin. If you follow them, you'll be on the right track to having beautiful, healthy skin.