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joined at 3 years ago

    Python Course | Python Training | Learn Python Programm...

    In this video on Python Course, you will learn what is Python, installing P...

    • nathanmartin

    Dive into and share Power BI data through PowerPoint |...

    The add-in is a WebView2 control, so if you're giving a presentation, you c...

    • nathanmartin

    Microsoft Azure Security Center | Core Features, Pricin...

    The centralised security management tool provided by Azure, Security Center...

    • nathanmartin

    Get started using Python | Intellipaat

    Practice Daily - Power is in consistency. Regular Python coding practice is...

    • nathanmartin

    What is cloud computing? | Intellipaat

    Cloud computing is a notion that is still in its infancy. A very valid and...

    • nathanmartin

    Why DevOps is Important? Benefits & Challenges Expl...

    A primary value of DevOps is customer satisfaction and faster delivery of v...

    • nathanmartin

    What Is DevOps? - Benefits Explained | Intellipaat

    When deploying any model within an organisation, it must provide tangible b...

    • nathanmartin

    Where is cloud computing mostly used?

    The cloud has gotten so ingrained in our daily life that most people don't...

    • nathanmartin

    How to Learn Python for Data Science

    First, you should look for the best Python programming education for you. D...

    • nathanmartin

    What is Cyber Security? Definition, Brief History, and...

    The practice of securing systems, networks, and programs from digital threa...

    • nathanmartin