Name Elina Lee
Gender Female
Location New York City
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My name is Elina Lee I have been serving Rananjay Exports under the capacity of Product Manager head for more than 5 years.

joined at 3 years ago

    Sneak Peek at Exemplary Opal Jewelry

    opal jewelry like opal necklace, opal pendants for your every mood.

    • elinalee358

    Silver Citrine: The True Essence of November Birthstone

    Citrine is a highly captivated gem that is preferred in its warm, orangish...

    • elinalee358

    Engagement Ring Metal and Gemstones Which is the Right...

    The ring would stay in the eyes of every spectator who witnessed it for eve...

    • elinalee358

    The Hidden Beauty of October Birthstone Opal

    we will talk about our traditional October birthstone opal because nothing...

    • elinalee358

    Opal jewelry is a good idea for you and your family ||...

    Opal jewelry is best for providing a gift to spouses on special occasions l...

    • elinalee358

    Graceful Opal Jewelry To Look Classy

    Enhance your wardrobe’s beauty by including opal gemstone in your jewelry c...

    • elinalee358

    Shop Natural Citrine Ring and Jewelry at Best price

    The intense orange-yellow Citrine ring reminds us of the saffron shade, hol...

    • elinalee358

    Genuine opal jewelry keeps your beauty as Queen

    Turn heads wherever you go by wearing vibrant and beautiful Opal Jewelry.

    • elinalee358

    Online Opal Ring manufacturers & wholesalers

    it will always prove to be excellent. Furthermore, the ones born in the mon...

    • elinalee358