
Rabbits are the cutest types of pets that you can have. But they also need a lot of care. Keep in mind that there is a very big difference between keeping a rabbit as a pet and rising one as stock. A rabbit pet must be fed properly with food that will keep it healthy. A proper diet must include enough fiber. So, you should include Timothy hay in its diet. And you also need to keep it clean and trim its fur regularly. And the best tools for that are dog clippers.
Why Should You Use Only Dog Clippers on Your Rabbit?
It may sound very weird in the beginning, but you need to use dog clippers to trim your rabbit. Why? Because their fur is very similar, and you can avoid all the problems that may appear if you try to use human clippers. You should never do that because there 3 reasons for which human clippers are never a good alternative.
• Hair is different from fur. There is a big difference between hair and fur. Human clippers are made to cut hair. And most of the time, they will not be able to do their job if you try to use them on fur. On the other hand, pet clippers are specially made for fur. So, you will have not problems using them on your rabbit. Keep this in mind, and avoid using clippers for humans at all costs.
• The motor makes too much noise. You should know that human clippers make a lot of noise. Humans do not have a problem with that. But rabbits are very easy to scare, and the noise of the clippers will do exactly that. Yet again, pet clippers are the best alternative because they make almost no noise. They are designed to avoid scarring your pet. So, if you do not want your rabbit to be scared and scratch you, then do not try to use human clippers on him.
• The blades may cut your pet. And the last and most important reason for which you should never use human clippers on your rabbit is the possibility of harming it. The blades that human clippers have are designed for human use, and it is very hard to cut yourself with them. But the fur and skin of your pet are very different from yours. So, there is the possibility that your pet will be harmed. And its skin may be cut by the clippers. Now that you understand the importance of using dog clippers, you should know more about the diet of your rabbit and the importance on Timothy hay.
The Importance of Timothy Hay in Your Rabbit’s Diet!
The diet of your rabbit requires large quantities of fibers. And the best alternative that you can find on the market is Timothy hay . It contains all the fiber that your rabbit will need. If you do not provide it with enough fiber, then your pet will have digestive problems. And they may even affect its health after longer periods. But you should also make sure to feed it with a proper amount of fiber. If you include too much hay in its diet, then other problems may appear. So, how can you make sure that your rabbit is fed properly? Well, there are 2 simple things that you need to do.
• Visit a vet or a pet nutritionist. The first thing that you need to do is to visit a professional that can help you make a personalized diet plan for your rabbit. By doing that, you will not only avoid any problems, but your pet will also get a lot of health benefits from the diet. And if you keep your pet healthy and you make sure that it moves around enough, then you extend its lifespan. And you can take care of him for a much longer period.
• Find a reliable online pet shop. The second thing that you need to do is to find a reliable online shop that provides all the supplies that your rabbit needs. This includes both pet clippers and the food that the professional recommended. And you can also check toys and other tools that you may need. But how can you find a reliable shop? Well, it is quite easy to do so. All you need to do is to check the products that the online store sells and the reviews that its past clients left.