The clinical trial supply and logistics sector is growing at a rapid pace in all developed countries

The healthcare industry has a long tradition of trial participation. Thispioneering experience of clinical trial logistics and procurement practiceshave come to define the industry's current status and future prospects.Importantly, there are three key trends related to the clinical market: supply,demand and infrastructure. These relate to changes in the mix of activeingredients in drugs, clinical logistics, and the infrastructure of healthcaredelivery systems.
Thebenefits of Clinical Trial Supply andLogistics can bedefined by looking at its major contributions towards global medical science.The medical world is now dependent on new technologies for research andtreatment. These technologies are developed and tested primarily throughclinical trials. The need for adequate supplies of these essential medicalproducts and services is therefore critical. In fact, according to a recentreport from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), up to half ofthe medicines and drugs being developed will need clinical trials before theyare released for commercialization. Furthermore, the current demand for humanresources, including physicians, nurses, laboratory workers, pharmacytechnicians, and other support staff, exceeds the supply of theseprofessionals.
Theimportance of clinical trials can be understood not only from the healthcareindustry's perspective but also from the perspective of the national economy.According to the latest statistical data, there are up to 22 million peoplesuffering from diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and more thatare in need of effective and efficient treatments and medicines. The cost ofdeveloping and manufacturing effective medicines and cures can put a heavystrain on the national budget. The availability of clinical trials can serve asan effective substitution for these expensive pharmaceuticals.
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