
If you are looking to establish a business in the UAE, then getting a Local Sponsor in Dubai is imperative, especially for businesses with industrial or commercial license.
Local sponsors are local agents or shareholders for setting up a company in the UAE mainland with foreign investment. They are also referred to as sleeping partners and have to be a UAE resident or national. They should have a Gincia, which is a family membership card in Dubai.
Requirements by the UAE Civil Law and UAE Companies Law for creating a limited liability company on the UAE mainland.
When you need a local sponsor in Dubai varies on the basis of your business type, trade license, etc. It also depends on the type of sponsorship you are selecting such as individual, local, or corporate sponsorship.
But you do not have to spend type on finding a local sponsor if you hire Business Link UAE to find one for your company.
Let us find a reliable UAE national for you!
Business Link UAE is your best option to build your company in Dubai by finding a trustworthy and dependable local sponsor. Our range of services includes setting up your business, getting its trade license, and finding the most reliable local sponsorship for it.
A local sponsor is someone who holds the 51% share of your company, therefore, you cannot take this tough task of hiring a local agent on your shoulders. With our local sponsor service in Dubai, you can be rest assured to get a dedicated and faithful sponsor for your company or business.
For more information, contact us @ 00 971 556070118 or email us @
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