
How to use swab test for covid 19?
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Governments around the world haveapproved using the PCR and other swab tests to track and contain the spread ofthe covid 19 pandemic. Most of these tests are used to get a quick and accuratetesting done on patients by taking swabs of their body fluids. Generally, thetesting is done with either a nasal swab or a throat swab which can helpanalyze their saliva. Self testing kits are also available and are greatlyencouraged for public use because these can reduce the work load in medicalfacilities also.
However, it is important to learn howyou should use a self swab test kit in order to get accurate results. Thissmall article will outline some of the basics in this context. When you areconducting a diagnostic testing, you must try to use the nasal swab kit becausethese are more accurate than the throat swab kits. The specimen needs to getcollected quickly after the PUI is identified. If you have ever done a flu testthen doing a covid 19 swab test will be easy because it is the same process.Some of the essential steps that you need to follow when you are doing a nasalswab test are as follows:
Wash your hands and wear a PPE kit toavoid spread of contamination.
Remove the sterile swab from the testpackage.
Tilt your patient’s head backwards andstraighten the nasal passage.
Insert the swab back insidehorizontally inside the nose till you find resistance.
Rotate the swab for up to 6 times andthen hold it in the same place for about 5 to 10 seconds and then collect thesample.
Keep the swab inside the viraltransport medium and then break off the handle where it is indicated.
Finally cap the medium tightly, labelit with all the essential patient information and then deliver it to the lab tohave the test analyzed.
If you were wondering how to use swabkit for covid 19 test then thisarticle will have given you a fair idea about the process.