How to Care for Your Microfiber Cloths - Fortador
How to Care for Your Microfiber Cloths - Fortador
In this guide, we will show you the best methods to wash microfiber towels and keep them in good condition to deliver the best microfiber cleaning cloths for you and your car.

How to Care for Your Microfiber Cloths - Fortador

Sometimes it happens that microfiber towels can get lint on them by simply using them in your washes. If it happened to you, try machine drying the towels prior to washing them. Machine dry tends to get rid off most of the lint from clothes as well as towels.

When it comes to washing microfiber towels, the less is better. Do not try to get fancy detergents. A clear detergent that does not have any scents or additives is the best at cleaning microfiber cloths.