Facebook Announces Its “Power 5 Ad Tools” That Will Improve Your Ads Performance
Facebook Announces Its “Power 5 Ad Tools” That Will Improve Your Ads Performance
Facebook launched its new Power 5 tools of advertising tactics. These power 5 tools will help the marketers drive better results.

What Are the Facebook Power 5 Tools?

Facebook launched its new Power 5 tools of advertising tactics. These power 5 tools will help the marketers drive better results. With the help of these tools, you can learn about your audience’s behavior, how they respond to your ads and accordingly adjust the position of your ad.

What Are The Features of Facebook Power5 Ad Tools

Table Of Contents

  1. What Are The Benefits of Facebook Power5 Ad Tool:
  2. Campaign Budget Optimization
  4. Facebook Automatic Placements
  5. Auto Advanced Matching
  6. Facebook Dynamic Ads
  7. Simplified Facebook Ad Account Setup

What Are The Benefits of Facebook Power5 Ad Tool:

1) Better ROI

2) Results in better performance

3) Improved campaign performance

4) Optimizes the ad delivery

Campaign Budget Optimization

Another Facebook power 5 tool is (Campaign Budget optimization). Through this tool, the budget allocation and distribution is much easier now. In this type of tool, you set the budget at the campaign level than at the ad set level which helps in achieving optimal results.You can find CBO, under the objective of the campaign section. For this:-

  1. Go to the Ads Manager.

Ads Manager

Create a Facebook Ad Campaign

Ad Campaign

Select Your Campaign Objective

Campaign Objective

Click on CBO Under Objectiv

CBO Under Objective

Enter Your Total Budget

Total Budget


  1. CBO helps to get better insights
  2. Helps in lowering cost per conversion.
  3. It also helps in allocating the budget in the best ad sets.
  4. Saves your valuable time as CBO is an automated process

Facebook Automatic Placements

Facebook Automatic Placement is counted as one of the important power ad tools. It is found in Placement under the ad set section. It uses machine learning to study audience behavior and place ads. But keep Automatic Placements selected while using it in your ad set.

Automatic Placements

Automatic Placements are very useful while advertising your Facebook ad as it places the right ad at the right time in front of your targeted audience.

Auto Advanced Matching

The most important factor while running your ad set is tracking your ad. Your acquisitions manager tracks all your ads like a total no of impressions and clicks, from where the audience is coming from, total sales, etc.

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To take the benefits of accurate results, turn on auto advanced matching on Facebook. For this you have to:

  1. Go to the event manager option

event manager

Then click on Pixel

click on Pixel

Go the settings


Under there you will find the option to select auto advanced matching. Select it and if needed select the factors you wish it to match.

auto advanced matching

Auto Advanced Matching allows you to read data that comes directly to the event manager from the pixel. It allows Facebook to use any inputs like name, address, phone no, gender, etc. and match it with your conversions and attain better results.

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Facebook Dynamic Ads

Facebook dynamic ads show ads that people might have added to their cart or looked at your site or your app but didn’t make a purchase. Using this tool, customers can be shown this ad, again and again, encouraging them to buy that item in the cart.

treat well

It is the most powerful tool offered by Facebook as it targets the customer by displaying the ads based upon his interest and behavior. They are also useful while doing re-marketing. To set up dynamic ads, install Facebook pixel on your eCommerce store.

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Simplified Facebook Ad Account Setup

With Facebook’s power 5tool, you can take advantage of the Simplified ad account setup, Instead of building multiple Facebook ad sets with the same objective. With this tool, you don’t have to study audience behavior again and again.

Simplified Facebook Ad Account Setup

In this structure, you can set 3-4 ad sets in a single campaign objective, but not more than that especially if you are using CBOThe Simplification strategy helps in saving your time by allowing you to think about what really matters than wasting time on setting budgets and objectives on different ad sets.


These are the 5 power ad tools, announced by Facebook. If you want to improve your campaign performance, then you may change your Facebook advertising tactics and use these tools for better conversion, lower cost per conversion and for growing your business in the long run.

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