
A herniated disc is frequently treated with non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, if the pain is only mild to moderate. An epidural steroid injection may be performed utilizing a spinal needle under X-ray guidance to direct the medication to the exact level of the - herniated disc.
Although a lumbar herniated disc usually triggers attention when it becomes painful, medical research has found it is common for people to have a lumbar disc herniation in their lumbar spine, but no associated pain or other symptoms.
Herniated discs are most common in the low back, most likely because this area of the spine is subjected to the greatest amount of stress and strain over time. Although most common in the lumbar spine, herniated discs can also occur in the neck and mid-back - lumbar pain.
A herniated disc also called bulged, slipped or ruptured is a fragment of the disc nucleus that is pushed out of the annulus, into the spinal canal through a tear or rupture in the annulus. Discs that become herniated usually are in an early stage of degeneration. Herniated discs are more common in the lower back lumbar spine but also occur in the neck cervical spine. The area in which pain is experienced depends on what part of the spine is affected. For more information, please visit our site