
5 Unexpected Facts About ADHD Every Parent Should Be Aware Of
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that’s characterized by attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. It affects 3 to 7 percent of school-aged children. Though the number of children who get an ADHD diagnosis increases every day, there are still many little-known facts about the disorder that are important for parents to know.
Knowing all aspects of ADHD is essential since scientists have found that the childhood disorder can actually persist into adulthood, and adults with untreated ADHD experience higher than average rates of divorce, unemployment, substance abuse, and disability. Let’s look at some surprising facts about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that can help you better understand your kid’s condition:
1. Other mental conditions are often mistaken for ADHD
A number of other health issues, like anxiety, depression, and certain types of learning disabilities, cause symptoms that are similar to those of ADHD. Other mental conditions including mood disorder, personality disorder, or OCD, might also be misdiagnosed as ADHD.
Sometimes, children's circumstances might make them behave in ways that can be confused with ADHD. As a result, specialists must determine whether or not a sudden change or stressor in children's lives is influencing their behavior.
2. Sugar and TV don’t contribute to ADHD
Though high sugar consumption, watching too much TV, and chaotic family life can make symptoms of ADHD worse, studies don’t show they actually lead to the condition. The disorder usually runs in families.
There is no quick treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Though medication can help manage symptoms, it's only part of an overall ADHD treatment plan. Behavioral therapy, including help staying organized and making positive choices, also plays a huge role in treating the condition.
3. Tooth grinding is related to ADHD
Medical experts suggest that children with teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, are more prone to anxiety, stress, and hyperactivity. Plus, bruxism has also been related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
According to a 2009 study published in Sleep, teenagers that experienced ADHD earlier in life are more prone to sleep issues and disorders, like insomnia, sleep terrors, snoring, and bruxism. In fact, teeth clenching can result in TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder is a condition that causes jaw pain, difficulty chewing, facial pain, and locking of the joint. To treat TMJ disorder it’s essential to address all mental issues present in a child, including ADHD.
4. ADHD can provoke short-term memory problems
Though ADHD patients don’t experience issues with long-term memory, they might have impaired short-term memory. As a result, they might experience difficulty remembering assignments or completing tasks that require focus or concentration.
According to a 2012 study published in Clinical Psychology Review, children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have statistically significant, large-magnitude working memory issues compared to similar children who didn’t suffer from the condition.
5. ADHD has different types
In fact, there are several types of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Diagnosis depends on the visible ADHD symptoms:
Inattentiveness. Inattentiveness is characterized by not listening when spoken to, being easily distracted, experiencing difficulty paying attention and organizing activities, and avoiding activities that require focus and concentration.
Hyperactivity. Hyperactivity includes fidgeting, excessive running or climbing when it's not appropriate, trouble with quiet play or activities.
Impulsivity. Impulsivity is characterized by having trouble waiting, saying inappropriate things without thinking, or interrupting.
Only some children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are hyperactive. Others, especially girls, might be calm, but have a form of ADHD that makes it harder for them to focus or pay attention. The American Psychiatric Association established guidelines based on these three types to help doctors more accurately diagnose and treat ADHD.