You Must Know Good Natural Medicines for Treating Diabetes
You Must Know Good Natural Medicines for Treating Diabetes
minute perifusion at 3.3 mmol/L glucose within the presence or inadequate. 1010 mol/L rebaudioside A, (3) 30-minute perifusion at 3.3 mmol/L glucose, (4) 30-minute perifusion at 16.7 mmol/L glucose within the presFrom the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism C, Aarhus

You Must Know Good Natural Medicines for Treating Diabetes

minute perifusion at 3.3 mmol/L glucose within the presence or inadequate. 1010 mol/L rebaudioside A, (3) 30-minute perifusion at 3.3 mmol/L glucose, (4) 30-minute perifusion at 16.7 mmol/L glucose within the presFrom the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism C, Aarhus

College Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark.

chemical companies Printed Feb 5, 2004 recognized April 13, 2004.

Using the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Institute of Experimental Clinical Research, Aarhus College, the Danish Research Agency,

Danish Research Council, and Danish Council for Development Research (RUF).

Address reprint demands to Kjeld Hermansen, MD, DMSc, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism C, Aarhus College Hospital,

Tage-Hansens gade 2, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

? 2004 Elsevier Corporation. All legal legal legal rights reserved.



1378 Metabolism, Vol 53, No 10 (October), 2004: pp 1378-1381

ence or inadequate 1010 mol/L rebaudioside A, (5) 30-minute perifusion at 3.3 mmol/L glucose, (6) 20-minute preperifusion at 16.7

mmol/L glucose.

Insulin Assay

Insulin was examined by radioimmunoassay having a guinea pig

antiporcine insulin antibody and mono-125I-(Tyr A14)-labeled human

insulin as tracer and porcine insulin as standard. The separation of

bound and free radioactivity was performed using ethanol. Rebaudioside A inside the concentration used didn't hinder the insulin assay.