Wordle NYT: How to the game with your friends
Wordle NYT: How to the game with your friends
In order to make a wordle, you need to know how to type, be creative, and share your wordle. This is a fun and easy way to get some creative juices flowing and learn how to make a wordle.

How to play the Wordle NYT?

You must first enter a word into the search field in order to start the  wordle nyt game. After that, a list of words with the same amount of letters and similar lengths will be shown to you. Any one of these terms can be clicked to get its definition. If you determine that this word is not what you were looking for, you may either go back later and add more words or go on your search for other terms. Click on the "Compare Scores" button in the top right corner of the page to see how your vocabulary compares to others'.

How to Make a Game

To set up your Wordle, you need to find a word that represents the topic of your choice. For example, if you wanted to create a wordle about a city in the United States, you could use “San Francisco” as your word. You can also add words from your vocabulary list to the Wordle. The idea is to come up with a new word for each letter in the alphabet that starts with A and ends with Z. Let’s say you want to create an alphabetical wordle of all the states in the US. You would choose "Alaska" as your A word, "Arizona" as your B word, and so on until "Z" was reached. But don't feel like you have to follow these rules! Your Wordle can also include words that are not associated with letters if they make sense in relation to what you're thinking/talking about. So now that you've chosen which topics/words/ideas are going into your Wordle, it's time to start playing around! Once everything is set up and ready, start drawing lines on top of all of the words or images representing those topics/words/ideas so they connect and form shapes or pictures for each topic. Once done drawing lines or placing images on top of words, it's time for fun! Place some colored circles on top of each item that represents an idea and see what crazy shapes you get from them!