
What Is NGS Sequencing?
Next generation or NGS sequencing is considered to be an importanttechnology for the determination of the RNA or DNA sequencing. So, thistechnology of NGS sequencing is mainly used for studying variation that islinked with several biological phenomena or disease. As a result, thethroughput, speed, and accuracy of NGS have hugely revolutionized geneticanalysis. Also, it contributes to enabling new applications in forensic,agricultural, environmental science, reproductive health, and clinical andgenomic research.
This was introduced in the year 2005 for commercial use. Previously,this particular method was known as the massively-parallel sequencing. The NG Ssequencing was known so because it contributes to enabling the sequencing ofseveral DNA strands all at the same time. Nowadays, these technologies aremostly used in the genetic analysis environment. In this aspect, Sanger sequencing is best for analyzing the small number of samples and gene targets.