What is Google Material Design & How Does It Affect Modern Application Development?
What is Google Material Design & How Does It Affect Modern Application Development?
Material Design is a visual design language that set out to unify the user experience across applications and across platforms. And while Material Design provides standards for UI continuity across all its web and mobile products.

What is Google Material Design & How Does It Affect Modern Application Development?

Google recognized the need to unify, simplify and standardize the design of its UI across desktop, web and mobile devices to provide a modern, intuitive experience for its users. The company set out to proactively address the lack of a single design pattern for all devices and did a total development reset, inventing a system that supports continuity across its portfolio of digital applications but also aligns with modern user experiences. So, Google spent $2.4 billion in R&D, studying and collecting the best design techniques, styles and approaches and aggregated those guidelines into a new design language and dubbed it Material Design.

In 2018, the LANSA low-code platform delivered a UI library that conforms to Material Design guidelines. Overnight, developers were able to use these to provide a standard approach to laying out the interface for web and mobile apps built in the Visual LANSA low-code development platform. They are able to build apps that users immediately feel at home using without having to add expensive design resources to their development teams.

The combination of LANSA’s low-code development principles and Material Design’s design approach makes it easier for developers to deliver great looking, easy-to-use web and mobile apps in a fraction of the time it would previously have taken.

For more info check out the Material Design website at