
What if I forget my Telstra email username or password?
There are two terms which we usually see on the web called Telstra and Bigpond. Users may have been confused with the term; well Telstra is a telecommunication company in which Bigpond is email client software. The email service was initiated for users for a better experience of email service and also through Bigpond mail users will be able to access their Telstra services from the email account. Users may not be aware of the system, it's best to learn the basics before getting started with Telstra email. Collect all necessary details about Telstra email from Support Service.
After getting used to the service users will have no confusion for operating Telstra email. After the latest update, there was a question asked by the user about what will the user do if they forget their Telstra email username or password. In such a case follow the steps given below.
· First, head to and open the Sign-in section.
· Then the user will have to click on their link, Forgot your password
· On the next page,the user will have to provide their email address.
· Then the user will have to check on their email for a link.
· The process for authenticating the user’s identity with the account will have proceeded.
· The link will be sent either to the secondary email or provided phone number.
After clicking on the link, users will be able to create a new password for the Telstra email. Don’t forget to save changes after creating a new password.If there are other such questions for Telstra mail then connect with Bigpond Customer Service.