![What are the Top Companies in Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate [SLES] Market?](
Global Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) Market:Key Highlights
· In termsof value, the global sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) market is anticipated to expand ata CAGR of ~ 4% from 2019 to 2027.
· Sodiumlauryl ether sulfate is an anionic surfactant with a milder effect. It does notirritate the skin, unlike other anionic surfactants, including sodium laurylsulfate (SLS). Thus, sodium lauryl ether sulfate the preferred surfactant inpersonal care applications such as skin care and hair care.
· The detergents& cleaners segment accounted for a prominent share of the SLES marketin 2018, owing to the rise in the demand for laundrydetergents and industrial cleaners, and rapid industrial development, primarilyin developing economies.
· The dryform segment dominated the global sodium lauryl ether sulfate market in 2018. However,the demand for the liquid form of SLES is anticipated to increase rapidlyduring the forecast period, owing to the rise in the popularity of liquiddetergents and dishwashers.
· Thesodium lauryl ether sulfate market in Asia Pacific is estimated to expand at aCAGR of ~ 5.0% during the forecast period, due to the vastgrowth in end-use industries such as personal care.
Rise in Demand for Personal Care Products to Drivethe Global SLES Market
· Significantimprovement in lifestyles and standard of living, primarily in developingeconomies, has fuelled the demand for personal care products. Increase inpopularity of e-Commerce and large base of young population in developingcountries have boosted the demand for modern personal care products.
· Theglobal personal care products industry is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of~ 6% during the forecast period. The personal care productsmarket in India is estimated to expand at a CAGR of ~ 8%, whilethat in Africa and the Middle East is likely to expand at a CAGR of ~4% during the forecast period.
· Theadoption of sodium lauryl ether sulfate in personal care products has increasedsignificantly due to its mildness on the skin and its chemical stability ascompared to other anionic surfactants such as sodium lauryl sulfate,alkylbenzene sulfonates, and phosphoric acid esters.
· Rise inthe demand for personal hygiene products such as toilet soaps and hand wash indeveloping countries, led by the increase in awareness programs regardingpersonal hygiene by international and local bodies is driving the demand forSLES, considering its cost effectiveness and superior performance as comparedto other alternatives.
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Rising Trend of Sulfate-free Personal Care ProductsLikely to Pose Significant Challenges
· Productswith sulfate ingredients are mainly utilized to remove natural dyes. Thus,personal care products with sulfate ingredients are considered as very harshmaterials for use.
· Hair careproducts containing sulfate are not recommended for kinky, curly, or coilyhair, as sulfate tends to dry the hair.
· Personalcare products with SLES content are considered harsh for human usage. Thussulfate-free personal care products are gaining popularity in the globalmarket. Key players are focusing on developing organic-based surfactants toreplace conventional petroleum-based surfactants.
· Thus, therising trend of sulfate-free personal care products is expected to hamper thesodium lauryl ether sulfate market across the globe
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Asia Pacific Expected to be a Highly LucrativeRegion of the SLES Market
· In termsof value, Asia Pacific held a major share of more than 25% ofthe global sodium lauryl ether sulfate market in 2018.
· Developingeconomies of Asia Pacific such as China and India have experienced significantpenetration of washing machines, owing to improvement of lifestyles andenhanced buying capacities of consumers. This has boosted the demand forefficient laundry detergent solutions in the region, thereby driving the demandfor SLES.
· Thedemand for high-end skin care and hair products is rising significantly in AsiaPacific. The establishment of the e-Commerce industry and high use of theInternet in countries such as China and India have enabled the youth to accessadvanced cosmetics and other personal care products. Thus, the demand forvarious upgraded personal care products has been increasing, due to the rise inawareness about personal hygiene. As such, the versatility of sodium laurylether sulfate in the production process of personal care products can beascribed to the increase in the demand for SLES.
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Global Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) Market:Key Developments
· In 2018, StepanCompany signed an agreement with BASF Mexicana, S.A. DE C.V. to acquire thelatter’s surfactant production facility in Ecatepec, Mexico. The facility hasannual production capacity of 50,000 metric tons, with a 12,400 square feetwarehouse space.
· In 2017, Clariantopened a new research and development laboratory in Tokyo, Japan. The facilityis located in Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute(TIRI). The newly opened R&D lab is dedicated to meet the high demand forpersonal care products in Japan.
Global Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES) Market:Competition Landscape
· Largenumbers of organized and unorganized players operate in the global SLES market.Thus, the sodium lauryl ether sulfate market is fragmented. HuntsmanInternational LLC, Kao Corporation, Stepan Company, and Galaxy Surfactant Ltdconstituted around 20% share of the global SLES market in 2018.
· Other keyplayers operating in the global SLES market are Solvay, BASF SE, EvonikIndustries AG, Taiwan NJC CORPORATION, Quimicos del Cauca S.A.S., Clariant,Oxineto, Croda International Plc, Godrej Industries Limited, and Nouryon.
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