
Precast concrete is a construction material that is manufacturedby casting concrete in a reusable form. The cast is then cured and transportedto the construction site. Unlike standard concrete which is cured in theconstruction site, precast concrete is manufactured in specially equippedmanufacturing plants and then transported to the construction site, ready to beinstalled. The precast concrete are manufactured in plants, some of which needsto be certified by architectural associations and other government agencies.Moreover, precast concrete manufacturing activities in manufacturing plantsensures better quality as compared to standard concrete manufactured inconstruction sites.
Rawmaterials required for precastconcrete manufacturing include cement, aggregates and water. Precastconcrete manufacturing is carried out in controlled environmental condition andhence it is independent of adverse weather conditions. Owing to this themanufacturing process of precast concrete is unhindered and hence the supplyfluctuation is generally nonexistent. Precast concrete materials can be reusedfor several times before they needs to be replace. Hence, the production costof precast concrete is significantly low which makes the end productsaffordable. Precast concrete manufactured products commonly include roofingtiles, building boards concrete panels and slabs, pre-stressed bridge beams,poles, posts and railroad ties. These products are available in wide range ofdesigns, finishes and colors. Precast concrete manufactured products findapplication in the construction industry. Primarily they are used inconstruction of residential, nonresidential and industrial building. However,they are also used for the construction of transportation infrastructure andpublic structures such as sewage and sanitation systems. Precast concretemanufactured products are durable and can withstand lot of pressure. Moreover,usage of precast concrete manufactured products speed up the constructionactivities.
Globalconstruction industry is experiencing slow growth rate especially forresidential construction in matured economies such as North America and Europe.However, the increasing construction activities in developing regions such asAsia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America is anticipated toboost the demand for precast concrete manufactured considerably during theforecast periods. Nonresidential application is expected to be one of fastestgrowing application of precast concrete manufacturing products. Rapid commercializationis expected to boost the sales of precast manufactured products such asbuilding boards and roofing tiles. Owing to the affordable cost of precastconcrete manufactured products over other overpriced construction materials,the demand is expected to experience considerable growth for nonresidentialapplication. Increasing globalization has enhanced the need for infrastructuraldevelopment. This has resulted in increasing expenditure in infrastructuraldevelopment, which is expected to improve the sales of precast concretemanufactured products for transportation infrastructure and public structuressuch as sewage and sanitation systems applications. One of the major restrainof the construction industry is the sustainability issues over the manufacturingof concrete. However, precast concrete manufacturing is carried out inmanufacturing plants located away from residential areas, controlledenvironment and is closely monitored by factory employees hence are consideredsustainable.
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Investmentin research and developmental activities for new innovations are expected toboost up the sale revenue of key players. Since majority of the key players inthe market are associated with product improvement and product diversificationto ensure the competitive edge over competitors. Some of the key manufacturersand suppliers of precast concrete manufactured products include Boral Limited,Amcon Block & Precast Incorporate, ABM Construction, and Cemex S.A.B. deC.V.
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