
Website DevelopmentTips – WordPress
One of the misconceptions about WordPress is that it’sjust a blogging platform, but it’s not. WordPress has evolved throughout theyears into a powerful website builder and a robust content management system(CMS). It is easy to use and flexible enough to make different types ofwebsites, which is the main reason why WordPress has grown so much in popularity.Using WordPress, we can create any type of website. Many top brands useWordPress for their websites, due to its robust features. WordPress power ahuge number of business sites and blogs; it’s also the most popular way tocreate an eCommerce store as well.
With WordPress, we can create:
· Business websites
· E-commerce stores
· Blogs
· Portfolios
· Resumes
· Forums
· Social networks
· Membership sites,etc.
WordPress Tips We Must Know
WordPress is the most efficient and popular CMS todevelop a website at a low cost. Although that’s true, there are a few thingsthat we have to consider while building a WordPress website. Here are some tipsthat a developer must follow.
Selecting the Best Theme
To render its design, the websites that are built usingWordPress needs a theme. A few things must be considered before a themeselection while there are plenty of free and paid WordPress themes availablefor our web designer. Here are some tips to choose the best WordPress theme:
· Must have in-builtSEO features.
· It must be securedenough to protect the website from hackers.
· Must be scale-able.
Choosing Best Plugins
In order to incorporate new features, a plugin can beintegrated with any WordPress website which is a set of files. There are tonsof plugins available for all kinds of features. Name the feature and will getplenty of options to choose a WordPress plugin. There are a few precautionsthat we must consider while choosing a WordPress plugin. Here are some of thetips:
· Must be updated andthe last update date must not be older than a few months.
· Must have enoughpositive reviews from its existing users.
· Must be prompt inreplying to the queries of plugin users.
Don't Overload With Plugins
For any WordPress website to run efficiently, plugins areessential. Ensure that the website must not be overloaded with too manyplugins. We must use only those plugins that are essential for the website. Theoveruse of plugins on the website can result in its slow loading speed so thatinactive plugins must be removed from the server.
Plugin & Theme Updation
All of the plugins on our website must be updatedregularly, the same as in the case of themes. An outdated theme or plugincauses issues like the slow loading speed of the website and can also causeserious issues like malicious codes attack or hacking. Here comes the role ofregular website maintenance.
Ensuring Security
Most of us have a misconception with regards to thesecurity of WordPress CMS, but that’s only the half-truth known. No software orCMS in this world is 100% secure. The security issues reported in the case ofWordPress websites are major because of a few mistakes that most of thewebmasters and web developers make.
Few reasons for security issues in WordPress websites aredue to:
· Lack of websitemaintenance.
· Lack of regularupgrade of plugins & themes.
· Not changing theconventional pattern of database & file structure of WordPress setup.
· Insecure plugins andthemes.
If we need a website at a low cost, WordPress isdefinitely an ideal choice. But there are few things, as shared above, that wemust take care while building a website using WordPress.
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