
Rice inventories’ are increasing as the rice supply iscontinuously improving globally. Rice is one of the major food staples andmainstay for the rural population and their food security. Moreover rice isused as a wage commodity for workers in cash crop or non agriculture sectors insome countries such as India among others.
The global ricemarket can be segmented according to product type such as long grainwhite rice (high quality), long grain white rice (low quality), long grainparboiled rice, long grain fragrant rice, broken and medium grain milled among others.
The marketcan be segmented geographically into North America, APAC, Europe and RoWregions.
The globalrice market is expected to grow with a healthy single digit CAGR from 2013 to2019.
The keydriver of this market is the growing fast food industry and restaurants. Riceis one of the favorite cereals for most of the consumers. The growingpopulation is second driver for increasing consumption of rice globally. Thedemand for fragrant rice is increasing gradually globally. Moreover long rice(high quality) is one of the premium class rice and it is not consumed on aregular basis.
Thedistribution channel includes hypermarkets/supermarket, departmental stores andstores among others. Asia Pacific is the major producer and exporter of riceglobally. However China and India are of the major consumers and producers.
Some ofthe key players in rice industry are Riceland foods Inc., V.A.P Foods ltd andKRBL ltd among others.
This study by TMR is all-encompassingframework of the dynamics of the market. It mainly comprises criticalassessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging avenues,and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.
Our key underpinning is the4-Quadrant Framework EIRS that offers detailed visualization of four elements:
· Customer Experience Maps
· Insights and Tools based ondata-driven research
· Actionable Results to meet all the business priorities
· Strategic Frameworks to boost thegrowth journey
The study strives to evaluate thecurrent and future growth prospects, untapped avenues, factors shaping theirrevenue potential, and demand and consumption patterns in the global market bybreaking it into region-wise assessment.
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The following regional segments arecovered comprehensively:
· North America
· Asia Pacific
· Europe
· Latin America
· The Middle East and Africa
The EIRS quadrant framework in thereport sums up our wide spectrum of data-driven research and advisory for CXOsto help them make better decisions for their businesses and stay as leaders.
Below is a snapshot of thesequadrants.
1. CustomerExperience Map
The study offers an in-depthassessment of various customers’ journeys pertinent to the market and itssegments. It offers various customer impressions about the products and serviceuse. The analysis takes a closer look at their pain points and fears acrossvarious customer touchpoints. The consultation and business intelligencesolutions will help interested stakeholders, including CXOs, define customerexperience maps tailored to their needs. This will help them aim at boostingcustomer engagement with their brands.
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2. Insights andTools
The various insights in the study arebased on elaborate cycles of primary and secondary research the analysts engagewith during the course of research. The analysts and expert advisors at TMRadopt industry-wide, quantitative customer insights tools and market projectionmethodologies to arrive at results, which makes them reliable. The study notjust offers estimations and projections, but also an uncluttered evaluation ofthese figures on the market dynamics. These insights merge data-driven researchframework with qualitative consultations for business owners, CXOs, policymakers, and investors. The insights will also help their customers overcometheir fears.
3. ActionableResults
The findings presented in this studyby TMR are an indispensable guide for meeting all business priorities,including mission-critical ones. The results when implemented have showntangible benefits to business stakeholders and industry entities to boost theirperformance. The results are tailored to fit the individual strategicframework. The study also illustrates some of the recent case studies onsolving various problems by companies they faced in their consolidationjourney.
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4. StrategicFrameworks
The study equips businesses andanyone interested in the market to frame broad strategic frameworks. This hasbecome more important than ever, given the current uncertainty due to COVID-19.The study deliberates on consultations to overcome various such pastdisruptions and foresees new ones to boost the preparedness. The frameworkshelp businesses plan their strategic alignments for recovery from suchdisruptive trends. Further, analysts at TMR helps you break down the complexscenario and bring resiliency in uncertain times.