
Amotor vehicle’s lighting system comprises illumination and signaling equipment.
mountedor integrated at the vehicle’s front, rear, sides, and, in some cases, top.These illuminate the highway ahead of the vehicle and provide insights,allowing other vehicles and pedestrians to notice the vehicle’s existence,location, size, direction of travel, and the driver’s intentions regardingdirection and speed of travel. Emergency vehicles are equipped with distinctiveillumination to alert drivers and signal traffic flow priority.
Withoutthese lights it is nearly impossible for the driver to cope up with driving.Automotive lighting manufacturers have made significant technologicalimprovements to improve the quality of their products. For example, Osramembarked on a project to develop organic light-emitting diode (OLED) lightingfor automotive headlights in order to improve visibility and increase lightintensity. These lights add to the product’s aesthetic appeal while alsoimproving visibility during storms, showers, and other inclement weather.
So,here is a list of the top 6 brands that are putting in the most effort inproducing the most modern and high-quality automotive lights.
Top6 automotive lighting brands for enhanced visibility
Asper market findings mentioned in Global Automotive Lighting Brands’ MarketReport,this was valued at USD 18 Billion in 2018. Verified Market Research analystsfound pointers that will help this segment to reach a value of USD 23.48 Billion by2026. Lookat sample report that underlines the actions of established businesses thatled to a CAGR of 3.36% from 2019 to 2026.
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Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA
Hella GmbH & Co. KGaA is a significantmarket participant. The company, which was founded in 1899, is a prominentmaker of automotive lights, electronic gadgets, and systems. It focuses on thedevelopment of headlights and electric control circuits. It also sells avariety of vehicle lighting items, including floodlights, headlights, interiorhalogen, LED, and xenon lights, as well as taillights. For automotive lights,the company won a supply order from bulk and luxury manufacturers. This orderconsiderably improved the company’s market position.
Another prominent player in the industry is KOITO MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Lighting equipment,aviation components, electrical devices, and other products are allmanufactured by the company. Lighting equipment has been announced by thecorporation to meet the needs of users. In December 2019, KOITO MANUFACTURINGCO., LTD. finalized the acquisition of India Japan Pvt Ltd (IJLPL). Theacquisition resulted in significant earnings for the corporation, as well as astronger market position.
Magneti Marelli
Magneti Marelli was founded in 1919 and is acomponent maker. Its automotive lighting division comprises 16 manufacturinglocations, 13 application centers, and two research facilities spread acrossthe globe. Magneti Marelli and XenomatiX inked a joint venture agreement inOctober 2020. Magneti Marelli would receive XenomatiX’s LiDAR modules throughthis joint venture for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomousdriving (AD) applications.
OSRAM is a major player in the automotive lighting industry. Itsells lights, luminaires, and other lighting products. Retail, supermarkets,automotive applications, industrial structures, medical applications, hotels,and street and urban markets are all served by the company. The businessprovides lights for automobiles, motorbikes, and trucks.
Valeo is an automobile supplier that works with automakers allover the world. The company is concentrating its efforts on the development ofwiper and lighting systems. During heavy rains and inclement weather, theproduct provides better road visibility, reducing the danger of accidents. Tomeet the needs of automotive manufacturers, the company produces interior andexterior lights. Valeo has customers including Honda, BMW, Ford, BYD Auto,Mitsubishi, Nissan, Renault, Hyundai, Suzuki, Volkswagen, and TATA Motors.
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Philips provides items with extra value. With its world-classinnovations, it enriches the lighting sector. The company, which has anindustry-leading R&D section, aspires to provide the brightest lightingsolutions at the most accessible prices all over the world.
Panasonic provides the most environmentallyfriendly lighting solutions that comply with international lighting standards.It is a major player in the global market for general lighting firms. To createthe most unique line of lighting products, the company employs the latestin-house technology and design processes.
LG Innotek
LG Innotek provides materials and componentengineering services all around the world. This South Korean firm createscritical materials and components for applications in the automotive, mobile,IoT, display, semiconductor, and LED industries. LG has received numerousfive-star ratings as a result of its many satisfied customers (among thegeneral lighting companies). The group has pushed the boundaries of theworldwide lighting sector since its founding in 1970.
Shedding light
Tomaintain their position, the companies indicated above are pushing the latesttechnologies and making the most use of their resources. This race is expectedto keep the automotive lighting industry alive and well.
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VerifiedMarket Research
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