
A class of machinists in the industry of manufacturing is Tool and Die makers. There are different variations on the name of tool and die maker like die maker, tool maker, diemaker, toolmaker, tool jig or mold maker depends on the area of industry or concentration an individual works.
Tool and die makers will first on the raw material lay out the design (they use metal usually), after that they cut it to shape and size by using power tools like rotary tools and die grinders, manually controlled machine tools like jig grinders, milling machines, lathes and grinding machines, hand tools like honing stones and files. Tool and die makers and engineers for manufacturing usually work in the close consultation as they are the part of a team of manufacturing engineering.
Tool and die makers job salaries will mostly depend upon the place where you work. There is a high demand of tool and die makers in Canada. Their salaries range between $25 to $27 per hour (or annually about $58,000 to $60,000) with high end of the scale for experienced workers.
Most of the tool and die makers begin as an apprenticeship than with an employer, they possibly includes mixing of a classroom training with some hands on experience. Because of the unique nature of a tool and die maker's job, it is mainly necessary to fabricate many custom tools or modify the required standard tools.
Tool and die makers job is to design, create and repair of the machineries and production tools. There tasks on daily basis usually vary based on the company priorities and issues in machines. There are different job responsibilities like production tools testing such as gauges, jigs, dies, fixtures, cutting tools,etc., testing of the tools which are newly designed, design and development of new tools and more.
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