
Tony Capo : Stop Begging For Business Online, Let Them Beg Instead
Tony Capo : Stop Begging For Business Online, Let Them Beg Instead
Are you still begging for new clients with sales pitches? Let me guess, you have the best product or service and you’re still emailing people, calling them at work, hounding them with messages on Linkedin?
Imagine a world where your company actually thrived because the service or product dominated the market, and there were no other vendors to pick from? Or maybe you seemed like the obvious choice for more reasons than we can list here.
Fortunately, in the business of Offensive Cyber Security, we call the shots, the terms, and the money we want to charge. Some might-be clients still want to show a little entitlement, but when you’re looking for a new car in a used car world and there is only one dealer in town, they have no choice, really.
Our clients win because the game of business is a slippery slope upward and a straight shot downward.
How are you playing the game?
Don’t compete the hard way.
50% of our clients come to us because they had a horrible experience elsewhere.
Click here to talk to someone now and stop the begging.
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