The targeted protein degradation market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of more than 30% till 2030
The targeted protein degradation market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of more than 30% till 2030
The targeted protein degradation market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of more than 30% till 2030

The targeted protein degradation market is projected to grow at an annualized rate of more than 30% till 2030

RootsAnalysis has done a detailedstudy on TargetedProtein Degradation Market: Focus on Therapeutics and Technology Platforms(based on Degronimids, ENDTACs, Epichaperome Inhibitors, Hydrophobic Tags,IMiDs, LYTACs, Molecular Glues, PHOTACs, PROTACs, Protein HomeostaticModulators, SARDs, SERDs, SNIPERs, and Specific BET and DUB Inhibitors),2020-2030, covering keyaspects of the industry’s evolution and identifying potential future growthopportunities.


Toorder this 330+ page report, which features 130+ figures and 145+ tables,please visit this link


Key Market Insights

§ More than 85 small moleculeprotein degraders are currently being evaluated for the treatment of variousdisease indications; in addition, there are 25+ technology platforms availablefor use in therapy development efforts

§ The pipeline featuresa variety of candidate drugs that target a wide range of disease-causing /associated proteins; majority of the existing drug candidates are designed foradministration via non-invasive routes

§ Although start-upsand mid-sized firms are spearheading the innovation, several big pharmaceuticalcompanies are also engaged in this domain

§ Close to 5,500patients were estimated to have been enrolled in clinical trials worldwide,evaluating a number of relevant pre-marketing end points across various phasesof development

§ A number of prominent scientistsfrom renowned universities have emerged as key opinion leaders, owing to theiractive involvement in clinical development efforts

§ Published scientificliterature indicates that both industry and academic players have made equalcontributions to the innovation in this field; the major focus of such studiesis presently on PROTACs

§ Foreseeing alucrative future, several private and public investors have invested over USD3.5 billion across close to 100 instances of funding since 2014

§ The increasing interest in thisfield is also reflected in recent partnership activity; most of these deals arefocused on novel technology platforms, involving the active participation ofboth international and indigenous companies

§ Short term opportunityin this market is likely to be driven by licensing activity, depending on thecapability of novel technologies to meet protein degrader design anddevelopment needs

§ As multiple mid-latestage drug candidates are approved for marketing, the long term opportunity islikely to be distributed across different types of protein degraders, targettherapeutic areas and various global regions


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Table of Contents


1.                     PREFACE

1.1.                   Scope of the Report

1.2.                   Research Methodology

1.3.                   Chapter Outlines

2.                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


3.                     INTRODUCTION

3.1.                   Context and Background

3.2.                   Concept of ProteinHomeostasis

3.3.                   Discovery of the UbiquitinProteasome System

3.3.1.                Ubiquitin: Structure andFunction

3.3.2.                Fundamentals of the UPS

3.3.3.                Components of the UPS


3.4.                   Key Steps Involved in the UPS

3.4.1.                Ubiquitination: The First Step

3.4.2.                Proteasomal Degradation: TheSecond Step


3.5.                   Therapeutic Applications ofthe UPS

3.6.                   Advantages and ChallengesAssociated with Ubiquitin Enzyme Inhibitors

3.7.                   TargetedProtein Degradation: Enhancing Ubiquitination to Degrade Undruggable Targets

3.7.1.                Brief History of TargetedProtein Degradation


3.8.                   Types of Protein Degraders

3.8.1.                Selective Hormone ReceptorDegraders (SHRDs)

3.8.2.                Immumodulatory Imide Drugs(IMiDs)

3.8.3.                PROTACs

3.8.4.                Other Chimeras (ENDTACs, LYTACsand PHOTACs)             EndosomeTargeting Chimeras (ENDTACs)             Lysozymetargeting chimeras (LYTACs)

3.8.5.                Specificand Nongenetic Inhibitor-of-Apoptosis Proteins (IAP)-dependent Protein Erasers(SNIPERS)

3.8.6.                Hydrophobic Tag

3.8.7.                Molecular Glues

3.8.8.                DUB Inhibitors  


3.9.                   Growth Drivers and Roadblocks


4.                     CURRENT MARKET LANDSCAPE

4.1.                   ChapterOverview

4.2.                   TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies: Development Pipeline

4.2.1.                Analysisby Type of Protein Degrader

4.2.2.                Analysisby Phase of Development

4.2.3.                Analysisby Therapeutic Area

4.2.4.                Analysisby Target Indication

4.2.5.                Analysisby Type of Target Enzyme

4.2.6.                Analysisby Type of Target Protein

4.2.7.                Analysisby Type of Therapy

4.2.8.                Analysisby Route of Administration


4.3.                   TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies: List of Research Tools/ Key Technology Platforms


4.4.                   TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies: Developer Landscape

4.4.1.                Analysisby Year of Establishment

4.4.2.                Analysisby Location of Headquarters

4.4.3.                Analysisby Size of Company

4.4.4.                Analysisby Type of Protein Degrader


5.                     COMPANYPROFILES

5.1.                   ChapterOverview

5.2.                   Developerswith Clinical Candidates

5.2.1.                RadiusHealth             CompanyOverview             TargetedProtein Degradation-based Drug Portfolio          Product Description: Elacestrant             RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.2.2.                Celgene             CompanyOverview             FinancialInformation             TargetedProtein Degradation-based Drug Portfolio          Avadomide (CC-122)          Iberdomide (CC-220)             RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.2.3.                SanofiGenzyme             CompanyOverview             FinancialInformation             TargetedProtein Degradation-based Drug Portfolio          Product Description: SAR439859             RecentDevelopments and Future Outlook


5.3.                   Developerswith Preclinical / Early-stage Clinical Candidates

5.3.1.                Arvinas

5.3.2.                CaptorTherapeutics

5.3.3.                Genentech

5.3.4.                KymeraTherapeutics

5.3.5.                MissionTherapeutics

5.3.6.                Progenra

5.3.7.                Zenopharm


6.                     CLINICALTRIAL ANALYSIS

6.1.                   ChapterOverview

6.2.                   Scopeand Methodology

6.3.                   TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies: List of ClinicalTrials

6.3.1.                Analysisby Trial Registration Year

6.3.2.                GeographicalAnalysis by Number of Clinical Trials

6.3.3.                GeographicalAnalysis by Enrolled Patient Population

6.3.4.                Analysisby Type of Protein Degrader

6.3.5.                Analysisby Phase of Development

6.3.6.                Analysisby Study Design

6.3.7.                Analysisby Type of Sponsor / Collaborator

6.3.8.                MostActive Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials

6.3.9.                Analysisby Trial Focus

6.3.10.              Analysisby Therapeutic Area

6.3.11.              Analysisby Clinical Endpoints


7.                     KOLANALYSIS

7.1.                   Chapter Overview

7.2.                   Scope and Methodology

7.3.                   TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies: List of PrincipalInvestigators Involved in Clinical Trials

7.3.1.                Analysis by Type of Organization

7.3.2.                Analysis by Designation

7.3.3.                Geographical Distribution

7.3.4.                Analysis by Therapeutic Focus

7.3.5.                Analysis by Phase of Developmentand Type of Degrader


7.4.                   Prominent Key Opinion Leaders

7.5.                   KOLBenchmarking: Roots Analysis versus Third Party Scoring (ResearchGate Score)


7.6.                   Most Active Key OpinionLeaders

7.6.1.                KOL Profile (Hagop Youssoufian)

7.6.2.                KOL Profile (Patricia LoRusso)

7.6.3.                KOL Profile (Johann De Bono)

7.6.4.                KOL Profile (John N Nemunaitis)

7.6.5.                KOL Profile (Robert Morgan)

7.6.6.                KOL Profile (Edward O’Mara)


8.                     PUBLICATION ANALYSIS

8.1.                   Chapter Overview

8.2.                   Scope and Methodology

8.3.                   TargetedProtein Degradation-Based Therapeutics and Technologies: Recent Publications

8.3.1.                Analysis by Year of Publication

8.3.2.                Analysis by Study Objective

8.3.3.                Emerging Focus Areas

8.3.4.                Analysis by Type of ProteinDegrader

8.3.5.                Analysis by Target Protein

8.3.6.                Analysis by Target Enzyme

8.3.7.                Analysis by Target Indication

8.3.8.                Analysis by Type of Publisher

8.3.9.                Leading Players: Analysis byNumber of Publications

8.3.10.              Leading Players: GeographicalAnalysis by Number of Publications

8.3.11.              Key Journals: Analysis by Numberof Publications



9.1.                   ChapterOverview

9.2.                   Typesof Funding

9.3.                   TargetedProtein Degradation: Funding and Investment Analysis

9.3.1.                Analysisby Number of Funding Instances

9.3.2.                Analysisby Amount Invested

9.3.3.                Analysisby Type of Funding

9.3.4.                Analysisby Number of Funding Instances and Amount Invested across Different ProteinDegraders

9.3.5.                Analysisby Number of Funding Instances and Amount Invested across Different TherapeuticAreas

9.3.6.                Analysisby Amount Invested across Different Protein Degradation Technology Platforms

9.3.7.                MostActive Players: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances

9.3.8.                MostActive Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances

9.3.9.                GeographicalAnalysis by Amount Invested

9.4.                   ConcludingRemarks



10.1.                 ChapterOverview

10.2.                 PartnershipModels

10.3.                 TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies: Recent Collaborationsand Partnerships

10.3.1.              Analysisby Year of Partnership

10.3.2.              Analysisby Type of Partnership

10.3.3.              Analysisby Type of Protein Degrader

10.3.4.              Analysisby Therapeutic Area

10.3.5.              Analysisby Different Protein Degradation Technology

10.3.6.              MostActive Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships

10.3.7.              GeographicalAnalysis           Most Active Players: RegionalAnalysis by Number of Partnerships           Intercontinental and IntracontinentalAgreements



11.1.                 ChapterOverview

11.2.                 KeyAssumptions and Forecast Methodology

11.3.                 OverallTargeted Protein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market,2020-2030


11.3.1.              TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market by UpfrontPayments, 2020-2030

11.3.2.              TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market by MilestonePayments, 2020-2030


11.3.3.              TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market: Distribution byType of Protein Degrader           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for Degronimids,2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for PROTACs,2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for SARDs /SERDs, 2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for Specific BETand DUB Inhibitors, 2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for OtherProtein Degraders, 2020-2030


11.3.4.              TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market: Distribution byTherapeutic Area           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market forNeurodegenerative Disorders, 2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for OncologicalDisorders, 2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for OtherTherapeutic Areas, 2020-2030


11.3.5.              TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market: Distribution byRoute of Administration           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for Oral Route,2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for IntravenousRoute, 2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market for OtherRoutes, 2020-2030


11.3.6.              TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market: Distribution byGeography           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in NorthAmerica, 2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in Europe,2020-2030           TargetedProtein Degradation-based Therapeutics and Technologies Market in Asia-Pacific,2020-2030


12.                   EXECUTIVE INSIGHTS


13.                   CONCLUDINGREMARKS

13.1.                 Chapter Overview

13.2.                 Key Takeaways


14.                   APPENDIX 1: TABULATEDDATA




Contact Details

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415