
The mineral acid nitric acid (HNO3), commonly known as spirit of niter or aqua fortis, is corrosive in nature. It has an unpleasant and pungent odour and is a potent oxidising agent. Nitric acid is produced naturally when rain water reacts with nitrogen oxides in the air, and it is mostly utilised to provide nitrogen to other molecules. Because it is highly poisonous, it must be handled with caution, wearing gloves, masks, and safety glasses. When Concentrated Nitric Acid comes into touch with metals, it produces flammable hydrogen gas.
Concentrated Nitric Acid has the chemical formula HNO3 and is a strong acid. It's also known as niter's spirit and aqua fortis. It is colourless in its purest form, but as it ages, it develops a yellow cast. The breakdown of nitric acid into nitrogen oxides and water produces this colour. It's extremely caustic and poisonous. It causes severe burns on the skin. It forms nitrate salts when it reacts with hydroxides, metals, and oxides.
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