
These days business is all about making it more personal. Providing your customers with a more targeted concentration of information, products and services is more likely to get you the sales you need. Knowing your consumers, and making the effort to give them what they want will get you the revenue you desire.
How do you do this? Well, its simple – you personalize your customer experience. First of all you employ software and platforms that can analyze your visitors and find out what they like and what not. Then you use this data to improve your websites, ads, emails and your online stores.
The personalization platform solution you choose will depend on your business niche and your business size and what you achieve with it will be up to you. One thing is for sure, personalization is here to stay, and employing personalization products to improve your ecommerce revenue is a vital business decision.
The benefits of personalization in ecommerce
1. It provides a positive consumer experience
Statistics have shown that the better the consumers online experience, the more likely they are to spend money and to return. This positive experience gives the consumer the sense of belonging tat we all so desperately crave – a place where they are understood and where they can go to get what they want. If you can give them that you will end up with a enthusiastic and eager clientele, that will drive up your revenue.
2. Selective attention
Humans have been trained to pay attention to things that draw their attention. If you can figure out what your consumers like and what they prefer to buy, then you can feature these items in online advertisements and specials. This will draw attention to these items, resulting in sales that may not ave happened if these items were not featured.
3. No information overload
In an era where information is easy to come by and most people suffer from severe information overload, we have lost the ability to sift through all of the emails and ads that bombard us every day. For this reason we also employ spam filers that selectively filter out large loads of emails from a single site. To prevent your emails from being filtered, optimize your ads for high impact by sending specific emails to specific consumers based on their online data.
4. It provides consumers with a sense of control
In some way, personalization technologies provide the consumer with some much needed control over their chaotic lives. By spending time online, buying and browsing, they create a much needed online fingerprint unique to them. This fingerprint is then used by personalization solutions to provide them with more directed and targeted information, products and services that saves them time in purchasing online.
5. It saves time
Online shopping can be very time consuming, even for an industry that is supposed to simplify and speed up the shopping process. If you online store can provide shoppers with a targeted experience, it will speed up the sales process thereby saving your clients some much needed time. This alone, can boost sales significantly.