The ‘Global Autoinjectors Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030
The ‘Global Autoinjectors Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030
The ‘Global Autoinjectors Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030

The ‘Global Autoinjectors Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030

Key Inclusions

§ An overview of the current market landscape of companiesengaged in developing and / or manufacturing autoinjectors, providinginformation on the usability (disposable and reusable), type of primary drugcontainer (cartridge, syringe and vial), volume of container, type of dose(fixed and variable), route of administration (intradermal, intramuscular andsubcutaneous), actuation mechanism (automatic and manual) and feedback mechanismintegrated in the device. It also provides details on the developers,highlighting their year of establishment, company size (small-sized, mid-sizedand large), location of headquarters and location of manufacturing facilities

§ Information on companies that are developing drugs incombination with autoinjectors, featuring details on initial year of approval(for marketed products), phase of development, usability of the device, routeof administration (intracavernous, intramuscular and subcutaneous), type ofdrug molecule (antibody, peptide, protein and small molecule), dose strength,therapeutic area and other approved dosage forms (for marketed products). Inaddition, the section provides details on the company, including year ofestablishment, company size and location of headquarters

§ A competitiveness analysis of various disposable andreusable autoinjectors, taking into consideration supplier power (based on yearof establishment and company size) and key product specifications, such asroute of administration, primary drug container used, injector actuationmechanism, type of dose and user friendliness of the product.

§ An in-depth analysis of the various patents that have beenfiled / granted related to autoinjectors, till August 2019, highlightingdetails on key parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, issuingauthority, CPC classification, emerging focus areas and leading industryplayers (on the basis of number of patents). It also includes a detailed patentbenchmarking and an insightful valuation analysis.

§ A detailed brand positioning analysis of leading industryplayers (shortlisted on the basis of strength of product portfolio),highlighting the current perceptions regarding their proprietary brands bytaking into consideration several relevant aspects, such as strength anddiversity of product portfolio, route of administration, actuation mechanism,geographical presence / reach and supplier power of each company.

§ A list of marketed drugs / therapies and pipelinecandidates that are likely to be developed in combination with autoinjectors inthe near future, shortlisted on the basis of an in-depth analysis that takesinto consideration various relevant parameters, such as route ofadministration, type of drug molecule, target indications, other availabledosage forms (for approved drugs) and historical annual sales information (forapproved drugs).

§ A list of key opinion leaders (KOLs) within this domain whowere short-listed based on their contributions (such as involvement in clinicaltrials and being mentioned in patent applications); it features a schematicworld map representation, highlighting the geographical locations of eminentscientists / researchers engaged in this domain.

§ Detailed case studies on the most commonly targetedindications, covering history of development and detailed description of theapproved autoinjector products, along with their respective mechanisms ofaction and historical sales records; the study provides a list of all the drugsthat are currently being delivered via autoinjectors.

§ A case study on the role of CMOs offering services for drugdelivery devices; it features a list of service providers, highlighting thevarious types of services offered for different types of drug-deliverydevices. 

§ A SWOT analysis capturing the key parameters and trendsthat are likely to influence the future of autoinjectors market.

§ Elaborate profiles of autoinjector manufacturers that havemore than three devices in their respective product portfolios; each profile featuresan overview of the company, its financial information (if available),information on its product portfolio, autoinjector device specifications,collaborations, recent developments and an informed future outlook.Additionally, the report includes brief profiles of emerging players that havebeen established in the past decade.


Thereport also features the likely distribution of the current and forecastedopportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:

§  Usability

§  Disposable

§  Reusable

§  Route of administration

§  Subcutaneous

§  Intramuscular

§  Type of molecule

§  Antibody

§  Peptide

§  Protein

§  Small molecule

§  Therapeutic indication

§  Anaphylaxis

§  Diabetes

§  Migraine

§  Multiple sclerosis

§  Rheumatoid arthritis

§  Other indications

§  Key geographical regions

§  North America

§  Europe

§  Asia-Pacific

§  Rest of the World


The report featuresinputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom autoinjectorsaddress several limitations of conventional parenteral drug delivery process,by preventing accidental needle-stick injuries, dosing errors and are preferredeven by patients with trypanophobia. The report includes detailedtranscripts of discussions held with the following experts:

§  David Daily (ChiefExecutive Officer and Co-founder, DALI Medical Devices)

§  Dennis Lee (SeniorProgram Officer in CMC, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

§  Douglas Marenzi(Managing Director, PHC Injection Technologies)

§  Tsachi Shaked (SeniorMarketing and BD Director, Injectable Drug Delivery Devices, Elcam Medical)

§  Anonymous (DesignDirector, US-based Large Company)


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Key QuestionsAnswered

§  Who are the leading autoinjector devicedevelopers?

§  For which disease indications areautoinjector-based combination products available?

§  What is the relative product competitiveness ofautoinjectors (based on user friendliness, type of dosage, route ofadministration and type of primary drug container)?

§  Which drug candidates are likely to be consideredfor administration via autoinjectors in near future?

§  How the intellectual property landscape likely toevolve in the foreseen future?

§  Who are the Key Opinion Leaders across differentregions worldwide?

§  Who are the leading contract manufacturingorganizations active in this field? What is their relative brand positioning?

§  What is share of autoinjector devices, in termsof revenue generation potential, across different disease markets?

§  How is the current and future opportunity likelyto be distributed across key market segments?


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2.     NovelVaccine Delivery Devices Market, 2019-2030

3.     Microneedlesand Needle-Free Injection Systems / JetInjectors (Devices based on Spring, Gas and Other Mechanisms) Market, 2019-2030


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