The contract manufacturing market for Pharmaceuticals in China is projected to grow at an annualized rate of ~8.9%,
The contract manufacturing market for Pharmaceuticals in China is projected to grow at an annualized rate of ~8.9%,
The contract manufacturing market for Pharmaceuticals in China is projected to grow at an annualized rate of ~8.9%, till 2030

The contract manufacturing market for Pharmaceuticals in China is projected to grow at an annualized rate of ~8.9%, till 2030

Roots Analysis has done a detailedstudy on ChinaPharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Services Market, 2020-2030., covering key aspects of the industry and identifying keyfuture growth opportunities.


To order this 200+page report, which features 85+ figures and 100+ tables, please visit this


Key Market Insights

§  Presently, over 100CMOs across the globe claim to have manufacturing facilities in China, offeringservices for pharmaceutical API, intermediates and FDF manufacturing

§  CMOs have establishedmanufacturing facilities across different regions of China; Eastern China hasemerged as a popular hub, serving as a base of operations for many contractservice providers

§  The current,installed manufacturing capacity of pharmaceutical CMOs in China is estimatedto be over 46 million liters; interestingly, capacity utilization has been observedto be ~75% over the last few years

§  Big pharma playershave also invested significantly in this region for initiatives related to theestablishment or expansion of R&D centers and manufacturing facilitiesfocused on pharmaceutical products

§  Innovator companies are expected to continue outsourcing clinical andcommercial manufacturing operations to China-based CMOs; the contract servicesindustry in the region is likely to grow at a CAGR of ~8.9%

§  In the long-term, theprojected future opportunity is anticipated to be well distributed acrossvarious market segments, such as different types of products (APIs and FDFs),region (eastern china, southern china, western china) and others


For more information, please visit


Table of Contents


1.                     PREFACE
1.1.                  Scope of the Report
1.2.                  Research Methodology
1.3.                  Chapter Outlines

2.                     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

3.                     INTRODUCTION
3.1.                  Chapter Overview
3.2.                  Need for Outsourcingin the Pharmaceutical Industry
3.3.                  Overview of the PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing
3.4.                  Evolution of thePharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Industry
3.4.1.                Traditional ContractManufacturing Organizations (CMOs)

3.4.2.                ModernCMOs
3.5.                  Services Offered byCMOs
3.6.                  Pharmaceutical ContractManufacturing Scenario in China

3.7.                  Advantagesand Challenges associated with Outsourcing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing toChina-based CMOs


4.1.                  ChapterOverview
4.2.                  Small Molecule andLarge Molecule Drugs / Therapies

4.2.1.                Comparison of GeneralCharacteristics
4.2.2.                Comparisonof Manufacturing Processes
4.2.3.                Comparisonof Key Manufacturing-related Challenges


5.                     MARKET OVERVIEW
5.1.                   Chapter Overview
5.2.                   Chinese Pharmaceutical CMOs with Manufacturing Facilitiesin China: List of Companies

5.2.1.                Analysis by Year of Establishment
5.2.2.                Analysisby Company Size
5.2.3.                Analysisby Location of Headquarters

5.2.4.                Analysis by Type of Product (API andFDF)
5.2.5.                Analysisby Type of FDF
5.2.6.                Analysisby Type of Packaging

5.2.7.                Analysis by Manufacturing Facilities


5.3.                   Non-ChinesePharmaceutical CMOs with Manufacturing Facilities in China: List of Companies

5.3.1.                Analysisby Year of Establishment

5.3.2.                Analysisby Company Size

5.3.3.                Analysisby Location of Headquarters

5.3.4.                Analysisby Type of Product (API and FDF)

5.3.5.                Analysis by Type of FDF

5.3.6.                Analysis by Type of Packaging

5.3.7                 Analysis by Manufacturing Facilities


6.1.                   Chapter Overview
6.2.                   Chinese Pharmaceutical CMOs: List of ManufacturingFacilities

6.2.1.                Analysisby CMO Manufacturing Facilities in Eastern China
6.2.2.                Analysisby CMO Manufacturing Facilities in Southern China
6.2.3.                Analysisby CMO Manufacturing Facilities in Northern China


7.1.                   ChapterOverview

7.1.1.                Health Authorities in China

7.1.2.                Overviewof Regulatory Guidelines in China


8.                     COMPANY PROFILES

8.1.                   ChapterOverview

8.2.                   2Y-Chem

8.2.1.                Company Overview

8.2.2.                Service Portfolio

8.2.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.2.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.3.                   Aurisco Pharmaceutical

8.3.1.                Company Overview

8.3.2.                Service Portfolio

8.3.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.3.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.4.                   ChemPartner

8.4.1.                Company Overview

8.4.2.                Service Portfolio

8.4.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.4.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.5.                   Dorrapharma

8.5.1.                Company Overview

8.5.2.                Service Portfolio

8.5.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.5.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.6.                   Hubei Biocause Pharmaceutical

8.6.1.                Company Overview

8.6.2.                Service Portfolio

8.6.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.6.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.7.                   Infoark

8.7.1.                Company Overview

8.7.2.                Service Portfolio

8.7.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.7.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.8.                   Ningbo Menovo Pharmaceutical

8.8.1.                Company Overview

8.8.2.                Service Portfolio

8.8.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.8.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.9.                   Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical

8.9.1.                Company Overview

8.9.2.                Service Portfolio

8.9.3.                China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.9.4.                Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.10.                 Shanghai AcebrightPharmaceuticals 

8.10.1.             Company Overview

8.10.2.             Service Portfolio

8.10.3.             China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.10.4.             Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.11.                 STA Pharmaceutical

8.11.1.             Company Overview

8.11.2.             Service Portfolio

8.11.3.             China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.11.4.             Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


8.12.                 Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical

8.12.1.             Company Overview

8.12.2.             Service Portfolio

8.12.3.             China-based Manufacturing Facilitiesand Capabilities

8.12.4.             Recent Developments and FutureOutlook


9.                     BIG PHARMA INITIATIVES IN CHINA

9.1.                   ChapterOverview

9.2.                   BigPharma Players: List of Initiatives

9.2.1.                Analysis by Number of Initiatives

9.2.2.                Analysis by Year of Initiative

9.2.3.                Analysis by Company and Year ofInitiative

9.2.4.                Analysis by Type of Initiative


9.3.                   BenchmarkAnalysis of Big Pharma Players

9.3.1.                Harvey Ball Analysis: Summary ofInvestments Made

9.3.2.                Geographical Analysis by InvestmentsMade (Facility Specific)


10.                    RECENT TRENDS

10.1.                 ChapterOverview

10.2.                 CMOswith Manufacturing Facilities in China: List of Partnerships

10.3.                 Analysis by Year and Type ofPartnership

10.4.                 Logo Landscape of Key Partners

10.5.                 Geographical Analysis


11.                    CAPACITY ANALYSIS

11.1.                 ChapterOverview

11.2.                 KeyAssumptions and Methodology

11.3.                 CMOswith Manufacturing Facilities in China: Installed Capacity

11.3.1.              Analysis by Company Size

11.3.2.             Analysis by Location of ChineseManufacturing Facilities           CapacityAnalysis: Eastern China           CapacityAnalysis: Southcentral China           CapacityAnalysis: Northern China


12.                    SWOT ANALYSIS

12.1.                 ChapterOverview

12.2.                 Comparison of SWOT Factors

12.3.                 Concluding Remarks


13.                    MARKET FORECAST

13.1.                 Chapter Overview

13.2.                 Forecast Methodology and KeyAssumptions

13.3.                 Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing ServicesMarket in China, 2020-2030

13.4.                 PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Distribution byGeography

13.4.1.              Pharmaceutical ContractManufacturing Services Market in Eastern China, 2020-2030

13.4.2.              Pharmaceutical ContractManufacturing Services Market in Southern China, 2020-2030

13.4.3.              Pharmaceutical ContractManufacturing Services Market in Northern China, 2020-2030

13.5.                 PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Distribution byType of Product

13.5.1.              API Contract Manufacturing ServicesMarket in China, 2020-2030           APIContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Distribution byGeography         APIContract Manufacturing Services Market in Eastern China, 2020-2030         APIContract Manufacturing Services Market in Southern China, 2020-2030         APIContract Manufacturing Services Market in Northern China, 2020-2030

13.5.2.              Drug Product Contract ManufacturingServices Market in China, 2020-2030           DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030:Distribution by Geography         DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in Eastern China, 2020-2030         DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in Southern China, 2020-2030         DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in Northern China, 2020-2030

              DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030:Distribution by Type of Drug Product         DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share ofSolid Drug Product         DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share ofLiquid and Semi Solid Drug Product         DrugProduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share ofInjectable Drug Product         Drugproduct Contract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share ofOther Drug Products

13.6.                 PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Distribution byScale of Operation

13.6.1.              Clinical Scale ContractManufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030

13.6.2.              Commercial Scale ContractManufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030  

13.7.                 PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Distribution bySize of Manufacturers

13.7.1.              PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share of SmallCompanies

13.7.2.              PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share of Mid-sizedCompanies

13.7.3.              PharmaceuticalContract Manufacturing Services Market in China, 2020-2030: Share of Large /Very Large Companies





14.1.                 Chapter Overview


14.2.                 Current Opinions and RecuperativeInitiatives of Key Players

14.2.1.              Wuxi AppTec

14.2.2.              Porton Pharma Solutions

14.2.3.              Lonza

14.3.                 Impact on Future Market Opportunity forPharmaceutical CMOs in China



15.                    CONCLUSION


16.                    APPENDIX 1: TABULATED DATA




Contact Details

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415