The “Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market (3rd edition), 2019 – 2030
The “Biopharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Market (3rd edition), 2019 – 2030
Report features an extensive study on the contract service providers within the biopharmaceutical industry.

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Key Inclusions

§ A detailed review ofthe overall landscape of the biopharmaceutical contract manufacturing market,featuring a comprehensive list of active CMOs and detailed analysis of themanufacturing service providers based on a number of parameters, such as scaleof operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), type of biologicsmanufactured (peptides / proteins, antibodies, vaccines, cell therapies, genetherapies, antibody drug conjugates, vectors, biosimilars, nucleic acids andothers), type of expression systems used (mammalian, microbial and others),year of establishment, employee size, geographical location of the CMO, numberof manufacturing facilities, as well as the location of these facilities, GMPcompliance, affiliations to regulatory agencies, type of bioreactors used(single-use bioreactors and stainless steel bioreactors), mode of operation ofbioreactors (batch, fed-batch and perfusion) and bioprocessing capacity.

§ Elaborate profiles ofkey players that have a diverse range of capabilities for the development,manufacturing and packaging of biologics. Each profile provides an overview ofthe company, its financial performance (if available), information related toits service portfolio, manufacturing facilities, and details on partnerships,recent developments (expansions), as well as a comprehensive future outlook.

§ A detailed discussionon the key enablers in this domain, including certain niche product classes,such as antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), bispecific antibodies, cell therapies,gene therapies and viral vectors, which are likely to have a significant impacton the growth of the contract services market.

§ A case study on thegrowing global biosimilars market, highlighting the opportunities forbiopharmaceutical CMOs and CDMOs.

§ A case studycomparing the key characteristics of large molecule and small molecule drugs,along with details on the various steps involved in their respectivemanufacturing processes.

§ A discussion onchallenges related to in-house manufacturing, featuring a brief overview of thevarious parameters that a drug / therapy developer may need to take intoconsideration while deciding whether to manufacture its products in-house oroutsource.

§ An analysis of therecent collaborations (signed since 2013) focused on the contract manufacturingof biologics; the analysis is based on various parameters, such as the year inwhich the agreement was signed, type of agreement, focus area and type ofbiologics.

§ A detailed analysisof the various mergers and acquisitions that have taken place in this domain,highlighting the trend in the number of companies acquired between 2013-2018,along with the geographical distribution of this activity. The analysis alsodepicts the relationship between important deal multiples based on the revenue,number of employees and experience of the acquired company.

§ An analysis on therecent trends within biopharmaceutical contract manufacturing industry,highlighting various facility and capability expansions. In addition, itprovides information on the technology advancements related tobiomanufacturing.

§ A detailed capacityanalysis, taking into consideration the individual development andmanufacturing capacities of various stakeholders (small-sized, mid-sized, largeand very large CMOs / CDMOs) in the market, using data from both secondary andprimary research. The study examines the distribution of globalbiopharmaceutical manufacturing capacity by scale of operation (preclinical /clinical, commercial), size of company (small-sized, mid-sized, large and verylarge), and geography (North America (the US and Canada), Europe (Italy,Germany, France, Spain, the UK and rest of Europe), Asia and Middle East(China, India, Japan, South Korea and rest of the Asia and Middle East), andrest of the world (including Australia).

§ An informed estimateof the annual demand for biologics, taking into account the top 20 biologics,based on a various relevant parameter, such as target patient population,dosing frequency and dose strength of the abovementioned products.

§ A discussion onaffiliated trends, key drivers and challenges, under a comprehensive SWOTframework, which are likely to impact the industry’s evolution, including aHarvey ball analysis, highlighting the relative effect of each SWOT parameteron the overall pharmaceutical industry.

§ A survey analysisfeaturing inputs solicited from various experts who are directly / indirectlyinvolved in providing CMO services to medical device developers.


The report also features the likelydistribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across important marketsegments, mentioned below:

§ Commonly Outsourced Business Operations

§ Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)

§ Finished Dosage Formulations (FDF)

§ Types of Expression System

§ Mammalian

§ Microbial

§ Others

§ Company Size

§ Small

§ Mid-Sized

§ Large and Very Large

§ Scale of Operation

§ Preclinical

§ Clinical

§ Commercial

§ Key Geographical Region 

§ North America

§ Europe

§ Asia-Pacific


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Key Questions Answered

§ Who are the key manufacturers (industry / non-industry) ofcell-based therapies, across the world?

§ What is the global demand for biologics-based therapies?

§ What are the major recent developments (such aspartnerships and expansions) in this industry?

§ What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted bystakeholders in this domain?

§ What is the current, installed contract manufacturingcapacity for biologics?

§ How is the currentand future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key marketsegments?


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1.    CellTherapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019-2030

2.    AntibodyContract Manufacturing Market, 2020-2030

3.    China Biopharmaceutical ContractManufacturing Market, 2020-2030

4.    PeptideTherapeutics: Contract API Manufacturing Market, 2020-2030


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Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415