
The distance between the two pupils and the response of the pupil to light are measured using a Pupillometer. It is a portable device that measures the size, reactivity, and symmetry of the pupil. It is useful for neurological assessment and can also be used in emergency situations. The difference between the two measurements between the two eyes is the pupillometer's range. A normal measurement is the same for both eyes.
However, not all Pupillometer are made with parallax reduction in mind. Nonetheless, it can be identified if a Pupillometer is parallax-free by moving the eye's position relative to the viewing port. The alignment marks should be shifted according to the corneal reflex. Experimenting with different eye positions is a helpful way to discover the best point where the Pupillometer is not affected by operator-induced parallax. The accuracy of a Pupillometer is highly dependent on the operator's eye position. If the patient is not experiencing parallax, the pupilometer's measurement will be off. The best Pupillometer will have a clear display of the pupil in a single dimension. When a Pupillometer is used to measure the size of a pupil, it can provide a better picture of the patient's pupils.
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