
ApplicationProgramming Interface (API) is a programming language used by an application tocommunicate with the control programs such as database management systems orcommunication protocols. Telecom APIs allow carriers to pass valuable data tothird parties, which they monetize on an asymmetric basis as typically mobilenetwork operators do not provide services to end-users. The global telecom APImarket is segmented on the basis of types of API, user type, and region.
Onthe basis of API, the market is broadly segmented into Short Message Service(SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), & Rich Communication Services(RCS) API; Interactive Voice Response (IVR)/ voice store & voice controlAPI; payment API; Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) API; ID/ Single Sign-On(SSO) & subscriber API; location API; and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) &Internet of Things (IoT) API.
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MarketsandMarketsforecasts the global telecom API market to grow from USD 93.69 Billion in 2016to USD 231.86 Billion by 2021, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of19.87%. Improving telecom API user experience and monetization of telecomoperator services are some of major driving factors of the market.
Thekey players in the telecom API market include Vodafone Group PLC (London,U.K.), Twilio, Inc. (California, U.S.), Alcatel-Lucent (Boulogne-Billancourt,France), AT&T, Inc. (Texas, U.S.) Telefonica (Madrid, Spain), ApigeeCorporation (California, U.S.), Orange S.A. (Paris, France), VerizonCommunications, Inc. (New York, U.S.), Xura, Inc. (Massachusetts, U.S.), Nexmo,Inc. (California, U.S.), Fortumo (Tartu, Estonia), LocationSmart (California,U.S.), Tropo, Inc. (California, U.S.), and Aspect Software (Massachusetts,U.S.). These players have adopted various strategies such as partnerships,agreements, mergers & acquisitions, and new product developments to achievegrowth in the global market.
Twilio,Inc. is one of the global leading providers of cloud communication platforms,which develops, integrates, and operates real-time communications APIs withinsoftware applications. The company offers APIs such as voice, messaging, andauthentication APIs and API platforms. In terms of organic strategy, Twilio hasbeen investing more than 24% of its revenue in Research and Development(R&D) for the past 3 years. In 2015, it invested 25.5% of its annualrevenue in R&D, whereas in 2016, it invested 28.1%. This clearly describesthat the company is focused on improving its current offerings to firmly holdits position in the highly competitive market.
AT&Tis one of the leading providers of telecommunication services in the world. Itoffers a wide range of products and services that include wirelesscommunications, local exchange services, long-distance services, broadband& internet services, and video services. The company has adopted intensiveorganic growth strategies through constantly launching new products andservices. To strengthen the strategy adopted, the company has constantly involvedin R&D activities as it has spent USD 1,693 million on R&D in 2015.Further, AT&T acquired DIRECTV in 2015 to fulfill its customer’sentertainment needs through expanding its high-speed internet services. Theacquisition showcases the company’s policy for inorganic growth strategy.
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