Sirloin Tip | Sirloin Top - Beef - It's What's For Dinner
Sirloin Tip | Sirloin Top - Beef - It's What's For Dinner
Though both have sirloin in the name, don’t confuse one withthe other—these popular bison meat cuts come from different areas of thecarcass and have very unique characteristics.

Sirloin Tip | Sirloin Top - Beef - It's What's For Dinner

Though both have sirloin in the name, don’t confuse one withthe other—these popular bison meat cuts come from different areas of thecarcass and have very unique characteristics.

Sirloin steaks and roasts are from the largest muscle of thesirloin, which is a continuation of the short loin. The Top Sirloin isliterally located at the top of the sirloin section of the carcass, hence thename. Although relatively lean, Top Sirloin is moderately tender and makes aneconomical choice for grilling, broiling, sautéing or on the BBQ.